Friday, 16 October 2015

Raised Up

CORRECT ME IF I’M WRONG!                   October 16, 2015
 By author Bryce A Baker

Raised Up

Today a friend shared a video of two very young Asian children singing the Gospel song 'You Raise Me Up'.

As I look at the state of our world, our spiritual being can be raised up, simply by listening to these very talented children. Their inspiration is a seed of hope that through our youth, there is a possibility that one day we will open our eyes to a land free from the strife WE have built for ourselves.

Yesterday, I had an encounter with a twenty five year old native man that had passed out on a public bench. After attempting to get a response he remained still, he was breathing but still. When the paramedics arrived they revived him and wanted to take him to the hospital to be checked out and recover from his consumption of alcohol.

He was resistant to cooperate partially because of his altered capacity, but he repeatedly advised, he didn't do anything wrong and just wanted to be left alone.
He was right about not doing anything derogatory to the law, except public intoxication. We tried to convince him that going to the hospital to recover was for his safety and protection. We wanted him safe from harm.

His refusal required the paramedics to call the police to have him taken into custody, again for his own protection. As the responding officer and I were loading him in the cruiser, he looked at me in tears and said, “I didn't do anything wrong.”

No matter how hard we tried to get him to the hospital, he just couldn't understand the alternative until it was too late.

As I looked into his eyes, I saw a young man lost and out of hope. When the music from the young Asian children soothed my soul, yesterday's soul struck harder. He wasn't a bad person, he is lost in a world ravaged. He needs to be ‘raised up', and WE need to be RAISED UP with him.


Bryce A Baker

Saturday, 3 October 2015

Getting Nailed

CORRECT ME IF I’M WRONG!                                       October 2, 2015

Getting Nailed 

If I had but one wish; it would to see our ravaged world free from the evils of crime.
No, I'm not running for Miss Canada. Previously I wrote that my writings are but only words to a hearing impaired world. With exception to my friends that understand.
In my book ‘Ghosts of Time’, there is a village that has grown free from greed or unjustified aggression. They have raised their children through the generations to understand that they are but a temporary inhabitant of their world, which of free will, appreciates that which is shared with them. Sounds simple, because it is, we have a tendency to complicate unnecessarily.
A number of years ago I arrested a man my age for theft. My arrest was his 28th criminal conviction. He got three years jail time but in our system he was out stealing again in just a few months. His wanton disregard for others will eventually catch up to him, and it won't be pretty. Unfortunately severe damage is left in his wake.
To be violated by a theft can be traumatic for some and the majority of the time, we believe we are failed by the laws that allegedly protect us; which brings to point, my point.
To take the law into our own hands in a matter of vigilante justice can be as detrimental as the crime subjected against us. For example:
In 1996 my house in Vancouver was broke into and I lost twenty thousand in tools and electronics (uninsured). A witness told me he watched them load a van and one of them even waved at him! He thought it was odd that these three men were moving at 11:30 at night but failed to call the police.
Subsequently, I was broke into five more times in less than a month. The last attempt to violate left blood on my window sill from a board full of nails that somehow was misplaced there. According to our Canadian laws I could have been sued by this clumsy thief for having a hazard around my house. Furthermore, I could’ve been charged for ‘booby trapping’.
During my career of hunting these maggots, I struggled with stretching the law to the limits once… maybe twice, but like all the other sickening crimes perpetrated that would have slipped through the cracks, I felt justified.
If you have had a crime thrust upon you it is understood.
Now that I have confessed to abusing a lowlife, I put forward a warning to NOT TRY THIS AT HOME.
It is sad that we as a society feel it necessary to take steps to extend ourselves, at risk of law suit by the criminals that the laws are suppose to protect us from. They, as a criminal element, have more rights than the victims.
Don't get me wrong that I demand retribution through excessive response. If necessary, the thieves received a justified treatment instead of the coddling they receive from our court system. If there are no consequences for breaking the law, then law doesn't exist.
In conclusion, the only way to stop crime is to first charge the law makers for breaching their own laws, nails should be classified as a security system, last and almost least of the long list; for blueprints of the 'Baker Better Burglar Bagger', send me an email. There is a better rat trap!

Bryce A Baker

Thursday, 10 September 2015

Simple Respect

Simple Respect                         September 11, 2015

By author Bryce A Baker

If one is a hunter, they learn all about their prey. As a detective I learned as much about the human psychological makeup as I could. To build a profile of who I was chasing, was like creating a GPS map to work with.

This understanding has bled into my retirement. Recognizing potential crisis is a lesson that can compromise a sunny day. Knowing when to just shut up and back away is a struggle.

Going for coffee provides a show case of personality and character analyses for my books and columns. Today is a prime example of why we are a dysfunctional society. 

Exchanging jokes and laughter is to me, one of the greatest ways to crush the negative. Almost every day I speak with elderly people that have many wonderful stories to tell. It is an honor to hear them. Amidst the day, there can be a dark cloud shadowing the good.

This morning a mother and daughter sat together for breakfast. The little girl generated a future peace maker. She sat well behaved and with manners seldom seen now a days. Mom and daughter were having their time.

I just couldn't help but go speak to them and compliment the young lady. They smiled. The little lady told me she was five.

After returning to my seat, a 91 year old woman approached them and told them to get out of ‘her’ seat stating this was ‘her table!' It was a disgusting display of a rotten apple. She made her demands, but the mom stood fast and continued with their meal. The woman sat next to the girl crowding her into her mom even though the table next was empty.

The woman has a reputation of doing this seat fiasco everywhere, and apparently owns where ever she sits in public.

This woman is a poster child for the ignorant and cruelty of character that engulfs the world. It is why we will never see peace. Her behavior is a worldwide epidemic. 

Again I sit to comprehend the why. My profile analysis concluded she didn't suffer from any aging disease or mental disorder. Regardless of her experience, she has no excuse to treat people this way. We suffered with a rude self absorbed dominating old cow void of consideration, who will spend her last days in a hell of loneliness because she 'tried' to make an Angel step aside. 


Bryce A Baker

Thursday, 27 August 2015


CORRECT ME IF I’M WRONG!                                  August 28, 2015  
By author  Bryce A baker
Living in the country with cattle and horses surrounding us, makes for a single torment that REALLY bugs me… and the horses, and the cattle.

They are over excessive in numbers to a point of wanting to lash out irrationally to swat them out of existence… no, not politicians. Mind you, that wouldn't be a bad idea in some cases.

They have three purposes in life: To have disgusting eating habits, have random sex with no relationship bonds, and to endlessly BUG me. Their unsolicited, continual swarming in my personal space should be restricted by law.

Now most of you may be thinking this subject is about my ex wives but no, they keep their distance. Just kidding… they don't have bad eating habits.
Boy, am I asking for rebuttal!!!!

Okay, back to subject at hand.
Working in the shop on a hot day, to relax with shirt off to gain a sense of mental stability through hobby diversion from the real world, gets a senseless annoyance by mindless germ carrying winged maggots. You can take a breath now! 

They seem to feed on disruption for some reason. Maybe it is because of me squashing so many of their pesky relatives. 

For a low cost, I seek revenge by encasing my surrounding area in sticky fly strips and enjoy them paying the price for shattering my fun time.  But like they say; live by the strip and suffer by the strip… every so often Rena has to remove a sticky tangle of my weapon of choice; one that has attacked back.

I am sure these nasty creatures have some purpose in this world, but are now being led by some head bug with a vengeance to make my life miserable.
Should I succumb to their attack or use a weapon of mass destruction, like Fly Bait? It is a moral struggle.

I understand from feedback that there are others out there in the same predicament as I. Shall this war on ‘Bugdom’ overwhelm us into submission or shall we keep swatting?
We have beaten mosquitoes by chemical and electronic weaponry. So why, with this state of the art intelligence, do we not have a cure for the common housefly?


Bryce A Baker

Thursday, 13 August 2015

Racial Demise of Humanity

CORRECT ME IF I’M WRONG!           August 14, 2015
By author Bryce A Baker

Racial Demise of Humanity

Last Saturday there was an incident at a mall food court. The lone staff member responsible for final cleanup after closing to prepare for morning opening was involved. The mall had been closed for nearly a half an hour and so had the food court. Parents with a couple of kids were the solitary inhabitants of the food court. The children had finished their meals and were running around the court unsupervised. The staff member could not finish her duties because of two things; the dawdling inconsiderate parents and the children that were re-messing the court.  When the staff member asked the children to stop, they went to their parents to complain.

As a result, the parents complained to the mall manager stating the staff member was rude and was prejudice because they were First Nations.

First of all, I personally know the staff member and she is a conscientious, hard worker and is NOT racially prejudice.

Again I state; in all my years I have been strongly against prejudice of race, religion, sexual orientation, or any bias of unjustified garbage like what happened at the food court. Too many thousands of times I have been referred to as 'WHITE MAN' by ethnic bigots that were trying to curse their way out of an arrest. I DON"T CARE WHAT COLOR OR RACE THEY ARE!!!! Reverse prejudice is as deadly to society as what they say is segregating them.

I am sixty years old and as a child, had the privilege of learning bush skills from my native friends. Their spiritual understandings were not fully of my belief, but that didn't jeopardize our friendship and respect.

Through the years as a detective, I have witnessed thousands of sick social and racial conflicts lead by people that can't grow into a future of peace and resolve injustices that occurred on both sides from tens of decades ago. It has been stated to me dozens of times that ‘WHITE MAN LAWS’ don't apply to them.

I worked murder cases involving First Nations and found, as a whole, they were a considerate friendly people. I witnessed crimes within the Bands, of embezzlement of government supplied program grants that never made it to Band programs, or were dwindled to near nothing… BY BAND LEADERSHIP! I, unfortunately, could go far deeper.

So considering we pay taxes, have restricted hunting rights, are not self governed, do not have free education… and so on; why are WE the ‘bad guys’ ?

The parents in the mall food court have breached a prejudice taboo that has been destroying us as a whole, for far too long. ALL of us, no matter what color!

The staff member was subjected to a brutal, unqualified attack by the parents that are passing their prejudice on to their children.

By the way; The dad is a Band Chief.

WE, as a people, need to look at each other as humanity of a future generation and not a color wall of hate.


Bryce A Baker

Tuesday, 4 August 2015

Common Sense for a Tomorrow

CORRECT ME IF I’M WRONG!                                                                                      July 31, 2015

Common Sense for a Tomorrow        

Looking back to 'teen hood', until I gained some maturity… last year, there is a definite lengthy period of stubborn antics contrary to elder advice. No matter how adamant my counselor or guide tried to hammer common sense into my head, I still ran headlong into my own self misguided establishment of stupidity.  Mind you out of the mentally tormented result, there was a lesson learned and a promise to myself to think more relatively… at least until the next headlong journey.

There is no better teacher than the experiences throughout life. How we react to pull ourselves out of events will dictate where and how our lives will be transformed.

Speaking as the self proclaimed poster child of 'doing things the hard way', I have to admit, if there was the opportunity to relive what has been, stubbornness would still be leading me to do the same mistakes again.

Now that you are thinking 'what in heck am I talking about?' NOTE: I was going to say 'hell' but Rena says I shouldn't, so taking her advice I said heck instead. I am on the road to maturity!

Anyway… having raised children, the subject of lecturing them to relay how not to make similar mistakes frequently surfaces for a duel of words and psychological torment, because they just don't seem to get the picture. Either they don't understand the dangers they taunt or they see that ‘Well, you did it when you were younger!’

Seriously though; Since having a career of responsibility, I have witnessed thousands of mistakes contrary to advice given the callow mind that the resulting damage could have been avoided. Teaching one's own children the dangers can be frustrating at times. Seeing them get hurt is catastrophic.

Just one example is, over the years I have given talks to graduating students about the dangers of drugs or alcohol and driving. I could talk myself blue to them, but the same carnage happens every year. What they do as teens will affect the rest of their lives, pro or con. Showing them what could happen seems to fall dramatically short of being absorbed as common sense.

Persistently there are sights from vehicle accidents investigated burnt into my memory. These people weren't friends, or relatives, they were people that never listened to advice to be careful.  

If you have a son or daughter… or grandchild, to get them to, through and beyond graduation, please emphasize they have a future with common sense embedded, uncompromized.


Bryce A Baker

Wednesday, 1 July 2015

Employment Insurance BS

CORRECT ME IF I’M WRONG!                                                                  Wed,  July 1, 2015
By author Bryce A Baker
Employment Insurance BS

In all my years of working, there has only been one time, thirty years ago, that I collected EI for a few short months. A couple of years ago I started a part time security job and called EI to tell them I was not paying their tax. They adamantly said I had no choice.

Simple in terms that if I don't want it… I can't collect it, but it is just another DICTATED tax we have no choice but to pay.

That said, there is a situation with someone I know that started collecting EI and after two months was cut off without notice.

According to EI 'RULES', one has to be actively engaged in job search or they can cut one off… 'With notice and opportunity to clarify.' But the lady at EI never allowed such appeal or opportunity. She refused to accept any response.

To make a three month nightmare short. Even though all reports were completed, she was still refused EI. They said she should have a car to look for work and made idiotic rules to follow. The lady at EI needs a serious humanity wakeup call and needs to be fired.

Numerous requests to speak to superiors were refused but a Client Services call resulted in another ignorant unjustified result.

Even with all papers in order the BIT***S at EI were cold, and lied about the claimant's reports.

The claimant contacted the MP's office for help {Member of Parliament} Collin Mayes in Vernon regarding her complaint. The interceptor secretary looked into the matter and called back. She repeated three times that all was in order and HUNG UP.

There is much more to this nightmare but that is the brief account.

I called Ottawa on Monday of this week to Collin Mayes office and spoke with Joel and was told, the case would be looked into.

So all considered, the claimant has stretched her search for help to the ends of the earth and all she got was BS.

IF we HAVE to pay EI and are unable to legally collect when requested… we are in a crucible of organized criminal governmental dictatorship.

If anyone has had an illegal withdrawal of an EI claim, please contact me. This is a crime to all taxpaying citizens in Canada. or just reply to this newsletter.

Since July 1st is Canada Day, I struggle to feel any love for our leadership no matter what party is allegedly governing us in our 'Democratic Country.' We are living in the best country in the world with bureaucratic liars managing our lives.

I anticipate heat from said persons and will make sure all recorded conversations are being made public.

I truly wish I felt support to celebrate our Canada Day, but when we are buried in corruption of honor, I can only feel disgust. Very sad.


Bryce A Baker

Friday, 19 June 2015


CORRECT ME IF I’M WRONG!                                 June 19, 2015
By author Bryce A Baker


  It isn't the gun laws in the States; IT IS THE CRAZIES THAT OBTAIN THEM. To commit a gun crime, one can easily purchase an illegal firearm without abiding by the law. It wasn't the gun that committed the crime; It isn't the car; it isn't the knife; it is the person.

  Law enforcement agencies actively pursue gun runners, but as a country, people are blind to the real cause of incidents. Guns are a substantial part of drug activity, prostitution and organized crime. Why doesn't the public hammer these animals rather than citizens who have proper sane use of firearms? 

  The President needs to adjust his understanding of what is going on. Other countries that have strict gun laws are overrun by organized crime. Cartels' in Mexico, Columbia, China, Russia, Africa… have a brutally substantial death rate because of legal restrictions for law abiding citizens. Organized crime murder hundreds every day, but who in the critic world is concerned about restricting their use of illegal weapons or abating their behavior.

  The murder of nine innocent people in the church had a number of contributing factors. He had drug influenced behavior, mental issues and extreme prejudice. Obtaining a weapon of choice for this creature had no legal restraint for him. Would the anti-gun crowd be throwing a tantrum if he had used dynamite to commit the crime? No, they wouldn't. They feed off of the wrong cause. Nine innocent people died needlessly because society, as a whole, are hiding in the shadows and expecting paper rules will protect them. We as a people need to fight against the rules that are not giving the population the responsibility to recognize murders like this one amongst us. The human rights people need to fight for you and I and not the criminal.

  I am not in defense of someone that uses a firearm in the commission of a murder or crime; I am sick that these crimes happen by violent, mentally ill individuals that are unrecognized for their volatile character. The focus is on a tool and not the user.

  Do I have an answer to stop this carnage? Yes, and no. We will never, or have ever, seen a world free from violent crime. Jack the Ripper used a scalpel to butcher innocent woman; was there groups trying to outlaw surgical tools? As a former bodyguard, I recognized threat before it escalated. We need to recognize people with indications of violent behavior and act on it.

  Any death by the hand of a killer is an atrocity to society as a whole no matter what weapon used.

  There are nine grieving families because we are chasing the wrong element.


Bryce A Baker