Thursday, 13 August 2015

Racial Demise of Humanity

CORRECT ME IF I’M WRONG!           August 14, 2015
By author Bryce A Baker

Racial Demise of Humanity

Last Saturday there was an incident at a mall food court. The lone staff member responsible for final cleanup after closing to prepare for morning opening was involved. The mall had been closed for nearly a half an hour and so had the food court. Parents with a couple of kids were the solitary inhabitants of the food court. The children had finished their meals and were running around the court unsupervised. The staff member could not finish her duties because of two things; the dawdling inconsiderate parents and the children that were re-messing the court.  When the staff member asked the children to stop, they went to their parents to complain.

As a result, the parents complained to the mall manager stating the staff member was rude and was prejudice because they were First Nations.

First of all, I personally know the staff member and she is a conscientious, hard worker and is NOT racially prejudice.

Again I state; in all my years I have been strongly against prejudice of race, religion, sexual orientation, or any bias of unjustified garbage like what happened at the food court. Too many thousands of times I have been referred to as 'WHITE MAN' by ethnic bigots that were trying to curse their way out of an arrest. I DON"T CARE WHAT COLOR OR RACE THEY ARE!!!! Reverse prejudice is as deadly to society as what they say is segregating them.

I am sixty years old and as a child, had the privilege of learning bush skills from my native friends. Their spiritual understandings were not fully of my belief, but that didn't jeopardize our friendship and respect.

Through the years as a detective, I have witnessed thousands of sick social and racial conflicts lead by people that can't grow into a future of peace and resolve injustices that occurred on both sides from tens of decades ago. It has been stated to me dozens of times that ‘WHITE MAN LAWS’ don't apply to them.

I worked murder cases involving First Nations and found, as a whole, they were a considerate friendly people. I witnessed crimes within the Bands, of embezzlement of government supplied program grants that never made it to Band programs, or were dwindled to near nothing… BY BAND LEADERSHIP! I, unfortunately, could go far deeper.

So considering we pay taxes, have restricted hunting rights, are not self governed, do not have free education… and so on; why are WE the ‘bad guys’ ?

The parents in the mall food court have breached a prejudice taboo that has been destroying us as a whole, for far too long. ALL of us, no matter what color!

The staff member was subjected to a brutal, unqualified attack by the parents that are passing their prejudice on to their children.

By the way; The dad is a Band Chief.

WE, as a people, need to look at each other as humanity of a future generation and not a color wall of hate.


Bryce A Baker

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