Thursday, 10 September 2015

Simple Respect

Simple Respect                         September 11, 2015

By author Bryce A Baker

If one is a hunter, they learn all about their prey. As a detective I learned as much about the human psychological makeup as I could. To build a profile of who I was chasing, was like creating a GPS map to work with.

This understanding has bled into my retirement. Recognizing potential crisis is a lesson that can compromise a sunny day. Knowing when to just shut up and back away is a struggle.

Going for coffee provides a show case of personality and character analyses for my books and columns. Today is a prime example of why we are a dysfunctional society. 

Exchanging jokes and laughter is to me, one of the greatest ways to crush the negative. Almost every day I speak with elderly people that have many wonderful stories to tell. It is an honor to hear them. Amidst the day, there can be a dark cloud shadowing the good.

This morning a mother and daughter sat together for breakfast. The little girl generated a future peace maker. She sat well behaved and with manners seldom seen now a days. Mom and daughter were having their time.

I just couldn't help but go speak to them and compliment the young lady. They smiled. The little lady told me she was five.

After returning to my seat, a 91 year old woman approached them and told them to get out of ‘her’ seat stating this was ‘her table!' It was a disgusting display of a rotten apple. She made her demands, but the mom stood fast and continued with their meal. The woman sat next to the girl crowding her into her mom even though the table next was empty.

The woman has a reputation of doing this seat fiasco everywhere, and apparently owns where ever she sits in public.

This woman is a poster child for the ignorant and cruelty of character that engulfs the world. It is why we will never see peace. Her behavior is a worldwide epidemic. 

Again I sit to comprehend the why. My profile analysis concluded she didn't suffer from any aging disease or mental disorder. Regardless of her experience, she has no excuse to treat people this way. We suffered with a rude self absorbed dominating old cow void of consideration, who will spend her last days in a hell of loneliness because she 'tried' to make an Angel step aside. 


Bryce A Baker

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