Wednesday, 1 July 2015

Employment Insurance BS

CORRECT ME IF I’M WRONG!                                                                  Wed,  July 1, 2015
By author Bryce A Baker
Employment Insurance BS

In all my years of working, there has only been one time, thirty years ago, that I collected EI for a few short months. A couple of years ago I started a part time security job and called EI to tell them I was not paying their tax. They adamantly said I had no choice.

Simple in terms that if I don't want it… I can't collect it, but it is just another DICTATED tax we have no choice but to pay.

That said, there is a situation with someone I know that started collecting EI and after two months was cut off without notice.

According to EI 'RULES', one has to be actively engaged in job search or they can cut one off… 'With notice and opportunity to clarify.' But the lady at EI never allowed such appeal or opportunity. She refused to accept any response.

To make a three month nightmare short. Even though all reports were completed, she was still refused EI. They said she should have a car to look for work and made idiotic rules to follow. The lady at EI needs a serious humanity wakeup call and needs to be fired.

Numerous requests to speak to superiors were refused but a Client Services call resulted in another ignorant unjustified result.

Even with all papers in order the BIT***S at EI were cold, and lied about the claimant's reports.

The claimant contacted the MP's office for help {Member of Parliament} Collin Mayes in Vernon regarding her complaint. The interceptor secretary looked into the matter and called back. She repeated three times that all was in order and HUNG UP.

There is much more to this nightmare but that is the brief account.

I called Ottawa on Monday of this week to Collin Mayes office and spoke with Joel and was told, the case would be looked into.

So all considered, the claimant has stretched her search for help to the ends of the earth and all she got was BS.

IF we HAVE to pay EI and are unable to legally collect when requested… we are in a crucible of organized criminal governmental dictatorship.

If anyone has had an illegal withdrawal of an EI claim, please contact me. This is a crime to all taxpaying citizens in Canada. or just reply to this newsletter.

Since July 1st is Canada Day, I struggle to feel any love for our leadership no matter what party is allegedly governing us in our 'Democratic Country.' We are living in the best country in the world with bureaucratic liars managing our lives.

I anticipate heat from said persons and will make sure all recorded conversations are being made public.

I truly wish I felt support to celebrate our Canada Day, but when we are buried in corruption of honor, I can only feel disgust. Very sad.


Bryce A Baker

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