Friday, 19 June 2015


CORRECT ME IF I’M WRONG!                                 June 19, 2015
By author Bryce A Baker


  It isn't the gun laws in the States; IT IS THE CRAZIES THAT OBTAIN THEM. To commit a gun crime, one can easily purchase an illegal firearm without abiding by the law. It wasn't the gun that committed the crime; It isn't the car; it isn't the knife; it is the person.

  Law enforcement agencies actively pursue gun runners, but as a country, people are blind to the real cause of incidents. Guns are a substantial part of drug activity, prostitution and organized crime. Why doesn't the public hammer these animals rather than citizens who have proper sane use of firearms? 

  The President needs to adjust his understanding of what is going on. Other countries that have strict gun laws are overrun by organized crime. Cartels' in Mexico, Columbia, China, Russia, Africa… have a brutally substantial death rate because of legal restrictions for law abiding citizens. Organized crime murder hundreds every day, but who in the critic world is concerned about restricting their use of illegal weapons or abating their behavior.

  The murder of nine innocent people in the church had a number of contributing factors. He had drug influenced behavior, mental issues and extreme prejudice. Obtaining a weapon of choice for this creature had no legal restraint for him. Would the anti-gun crowd be throwing a tantrum if he had used dynamite to commit the crime? No, they wouldn't. They feed off of the wrong cause. Nine innocent people died needlessly because society, as a whole, are hiding in the shadows and expecting paper rules will protect them. We as a people need to fight against the rules that are not giving the population the responsibility to recognize murders like this one amongst us. The human rights people need to fight for you and I and not the criminal.

  I am not in defense of someone that uses a firearm in the commission of a murder or crime; I am sick that these crimes happen by violent, mentally ill individuals that are unrecognized for their volatile character. The focus is on a tool and not the user.

  Do I have an answer to stop this carnage? Yes, and no. We will never, or have ever, seen a world free from violent crime. Jack the Ripper used a scalpel to butcher innocent woman; was there groups trying to outlaw surgical tools? As a former bodyguard, I recognized threat before it escalated. We need to recognize people with indications of violent behavior and act on it.

  Any death by the hand of a killer is an atrocity to society as a whole no matter what weapon used.

  There are nine grieving families because we are chasing the wrong element.


Bryce A Baker

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