Thursday, 4 December 2014

Pride and the Prejudice

CORRECT ME IF I'M WRONG!                                                      December 5, 2014
By author Bryce A Baker

 Pride and the Prejudice

There is no shortage of subject matter to go on about. Not so long ago someone said they wanted to read my… (For column sake I will use another word) ‘compliant’ articles… It was a backhanded compliment in a way. Yes, I voice my opinion, but it is not that way… OKAY maybe it is. We all accept daily things with a grain of salt; which allows ‘things’ to only worsen. If we don’t stand up for what we feel is just or fair, then we are but sheep.

Again I speak about prejudice, but this is what we all face without giving our true opinion. We are afraid of reprisal without merit, being labelled a bigot. Well, I am going to voice my experience without prejudice. It’s obvious there are people out there that are just ignorant with roots of hate. This is not me. Prejudice is set in stone as the building block of war and destruction. Isn’t there enough BS to live with?

As a kid, I played and buddied at school with Native children from our area. We played without thought of difference of race or religion. As an adult I was partnered with Native, East Indian, Caucasian, as well as many others and it made no difference in our work relationship.

That said, the verbal and unethical abuse I received from ethnic critics was, and still remains disgusting. We are Canadians, not separate entities to vent stupidity. For example;

- I had a house I was renovating in Surrey a number of years ago. I couldn’t get a construction permit unless I used East Indian trades people.

- There is a sign in West Kelowna at a fenced park. ‘For use by First Nations Only’.

- A lady that broke off a relationship with me married a really nice Jamaican man but his family wouldn’t accept her into the family because she is white.

- There have been endless news video and quotes by many races stating their hatred for the white man, but if we say anything similar we make front page news as a bigot.

Being called a ‘white man’ insults every human being on this earth. Being told the only reason I am arresting them is because of their race is a quote of a sick individual. Hearing African Americans call each other ‘Nigger’ and yet if we make the life altering mistake of uttering that word a riot ensues.
Speaking of riots!!!!!

Considering the mega thousands of cops in Canada and the States, it is obvious there are going to be bad ones. These are the rotten apples in the basket that make it harder for the good ones to do their job. Mistakes and wrong decisions are made, but a destructive racial riot doesn’t solve the problem! Cops are killed every day by many races, but I don’t see public outcry for their injustice! An officer was shot in Kamloops just yesterday after stopping a car late at night and was critically injured. He is a father of two children and a husband. He was just doing his job. Without law enforcement officers, we cannot walk the streets.

I can personally give you thousands of personal incidents of reverse prejudice but I am sure you’ve got the picture. Now some will misconstrue my opinion as being a bigot but that is my point; the worst critics can’t face where they are seated.

Prejudice branches of a tree definitely need to be pruned to where we see each other as people.

Many times I have considered stopping writing ‘Correct Me If I’m Wrong’ because deep down I know nothing will change, but it is my written voice in a hearing impaired world.

My next CMIIW will be after Christmas so all have a safe holiday, and contrary to non-Christian critics… MERRY CHRISTMAS and may God bless.


Bryce A Baker

Thursday, 20 November 2014

Zombie Technology

CORRECT ME IF I'M WRONG!                                    November 20, 2014
By author Bryce A Baker

Zombie Technology

When I started playing with big cars forty two years ago, I was immersed in a hobby that changed my life. I was a ‘greaser’, buried in a world of road thunder and speed; which brings me to this article.

In the course of my restoration builds, my projects were usually old machines that needed life and fire brought back into them. If it was mechanical, my hands and arms were covered in oil mixed with grease. If we wanted more horsepower, we modified the engine with mechanical parts.

Over the decades, vehicles have been substantially improved for driver and passenger safety, with air bags, reinforcement of the body and so on. BUT… we have entered an age of high priced disposable garbage supported on four wheels. I just finished rebuilding a '94 Suburban. Great body style, but a nightmare of computer driven, hair pulling entanglement of idiotic electronics.

There was a time when a simple mechanical part did more than a good job, and cost a fraction of what they are now. Has the buying public become so stupid that the manufacturers can coddle our wallet with equipment that is totally impractical as well as dangerous? If we have become so complacent with our driving skills that we depend on a computer to park our car or warn us of an impending collision, then we are in deep trouble. It is called ‘paying attention to our own driving’ as well as ‘grab some real driving skills’. Personally, I prefer to be in real control without the aid of a computer. Pretty soon the demanding public is going to want computer controlled grocery carts! That’s when all hell will break loose!

Now let’s figure the economics of the new vehicle. The average cost of the average wheeled computer is around twenty five thousand. Let’s also take into account it lasts five years as opposed to the decades of life thier mechanical ancestors lived. We are paying five thousand a year, plus fuel, plus past warranty repairs, plus, plus, plus. AND these vehicles cannot be restored because of the electronics! Now maybe some people have succumbed to the auto industry marketing but I haven’t.

Ironically, a properly restored vintage vehicle sells for more than a new car. The auto manufactures noticed, so they did retro designs of the old machines. The proof is in the statement. Unfortunately, these retros are laced with wire nightmares that make them impractical to expect to rebuild them.

OHHHH… and gas mileage!!!! My '66 Chevelle got twenty five miles to the gallon with old mechanics. The gas mileage of the new trucks and cars are offset by the extreme high cost of upkeep. My '89 4x4 gets twenty miles to the gallon and more power with a rebuilt pre 1984 V8. Most of the electronics were removed.

This body of mine is approaching six decades, with no electronics. Mind you, parts are now obsolete. But that’s another article.


As you drive down the road next time, consider this: The new car next to you, travelling at a hundred kilometers an hour, could have a computer crash or a psychological meltdown and fry some of its wires. Its sensors may consider you a threat. Then it passes its data through its computer link through the satellites causing other cars to malfunction. We will be in a world of zombie motor vehicles!... A new version of a zombie apocalypse!

No matter what happens… I think mechanical is forever, except when broke down.

Happy motoring.


Bryce A Baker

Irritated, WWJD?

CORRECT ME IF I'M WRONG!                                    October 25, 2014
By author Bryce A Baker    

                                                    Irritated, WWJD?
In this modern world we are surrounded by many events that irritate our mental, emotional and spiritual stability. If I may, I am going to share some of the items that rock, or have rocked my world. Coming from a world of Criminal Investigation the list is rather substantial, but I will reduce it to a few thousand. Let me also state that the question, “What would Jesus do?” is tattooed on my brain cells. Unfortunately those brain cells are smudged on occasion. Oh, and with His Spirit I have maintained a relative state of sanity.
Being irritated has an action, reaction when experienced, which at times can get one into serious trouble. How we handle these events is our responsibility. Sometimes biting our tongue will not suffice and we explode into an irrational episode of stupidity, followed by the shock of reality blasting us in the face.
Things that have irritated me;
ACTION: Working for months on a case only to have a typo error have it thrown out of court.

   REACTION: Learn to type.
ACTION: Being in a shootout and running out of bullets.

   REACTION: Go for a donut and coffee and hope the bad guy leaves.
ACTION: Pulling someone over for speeding and locking myself out of the police car.

   REACTION: Walk for a donut and coffee.
ACTION: It taking miles for someone you are pulling over to hear and see your emergency siren and lights. Then state they didn’t see me behind them. 
   REACTION: Flatten their tires.
ACTION: Having a youth that has just stolen a car state, “I’m underage! You can’t touch me!”

   REACTION: Flatten the tires on their skateboard.
ACTION: Halfway through my coffee and donut and get a call out.
   REACTION: Get them to go.
ACTION: Arresting someone with a gun and they state, “I have a license for that.” A fishing license isn’t a gun license!
   REACTION: Giving up on trying to figure out the criminal mind.
So you see life is irritating, but if we handle it in a rational, spiritual way, all can be good.


Bryce A Baker

Thursday, 2 October 2014

Biting the Bullet

CORRECT ME IF I'M WRONG!                                           Friday October 3, 2014
By author Bryce A Baker

Biting the Bullet

Again in the news there is a killer of man that is claiming temporary insanity for his crime.

When are the lawmakers and the judicial system going to wake up?

Through my career I have looked into the eyes of many that have no qualms to hurt or destroy without remorse. Like most in that industry, the vacuum of the futile battle for justice empties those that care. 

For the life of me, I can’t understand why humans need to invade other villages to pillage. Why do humans need to cut another down to make themselves feel superior. Our history of violence started when man made his first footprint on this earth and even though we have experienced the lesson of war, we have learned nothing; leaving in our wake a world ravaged by the insane leading the flock of savages.

I do understand that Satan has his venom flowing deep in our world, but that battle is forthcoming.

Many years ago I worked a brutal case that saw no justice for the family’s great loss. This family approached me and offered fifty thousand dollars to ‘fix’ the sadistic creature responsible. I would have done the job for free, but the difference between revenge and justice stretched a fine line. Seeing him walk free curdled my blood.

Getting back to our world: No matter how many losses we log in our journal of growth as a ‘civilized society’ we continue to saddle the ‘Four Horses of the Apocalypse’. No matter what words I write, or creatures battled, I sit at a loss.

There have been times when I had to take the step to use force, but only as a last resort. I heard a saying once, ‘Strength through peace and peace through strength’. At first it struck me as derogatory, but as I developed as a bodyguard and a detective it clarified. I had to be a force to be reckoned with to keep the peace. It is a sad state of affairs.

It is rather funny; I got a review on Amazon from a lady regarding my book ‘Ghosts of Time’. The content of what she said confirmed exactly what the first page said about society in general. She missed the point completely, because of social programming. Ironically, she still liked the book.

‘Ghosts of Time’ has a great deal to do with what I am saying in this article.

Rena has said to me that she would live in a cardboard box if need be, as long as we are together. This is how the world should look to one another.  But, to be realistic… it would be rather crowded.



Sunday, 14 September 2014

Baby Boomers

CORRECT ME IF I'M WRONG!                                       Friday September 12, 2014
By author Bryce A Baker

                                                         Baby Boomers

As a member of the ‘Boomer’ generation, I share the most incredible extent of social and technological changes that have molded our lives over the last sixty years. But aside from witnessing man landing on the moon, eight track tapes developing to CD’s or iPods, or to cars parking themselves, there has been an immortal characteristic that has romanced our hearts and souls. I speak of ‘50s and ‘60s rock and roll.

From Do Wop to soul, we have danced, cried, lost and gained to a song seated in our memory. These tunes have something that can never be matched or have the deep impact they integrated into our lives. They spoke from a generation that understood what real romance is. They spoke of experience and realistic, somewhat moral growth. They didn’t portray a social understanding by swearing every second word or promoting anarchistic stupidity.

My step son drove me in his car once. He cranked the tunes like I did at his age but unlike driving the strip to the Beach Boys or swooning my girlfriend with Jay and the Americans the reverberating yelling of antisocial phrases and violence shattered my eardrums. When I had my chance I asked him that it must be interesting romancing his girlfriend to this rap crap. He has no idea what romance is.

There were some antisocial music back in the fifties and sixties but it didn’t carry a gun or an extreme foul mouth. Call me old fashioned, but that’s a label I can be proud of.

I love working in the shop on a custom ride to the sounds of my past that give me peace, love in my heart, and bomp and boogie to the great old times. They energize my spirit. People say we shouldn’t keep rehashing our past, but I love to, so there!

Our music will never fade away into oblivion because we have been sharing our space with a sound that soothes the savage beast and melts the barrier between men and woman.

Our generation has had its faults along with its mistakes but when we listen to our music we can proudly say “I’m a Boomer!”


Bryce A

Thursday, 14 August 2014

Great Loss

CORRECT ME IF I’M WRONG!                             August 15, 2014

 By author
Bryce A Baker
Great Loss
No matter how hard we cry, the burden of loss cannot be reversed. We give tender to our emotions to accept what reality has given.
This week we have lost a great man that has lightened our world with laughter. Mr. Williams paid with a struggle against drugs and alcohol, which in turn fed his depression. 
To any that condemn or criticize his way of ending his life need to consider how fortunate they are that they are not condemned with depression or addiction. Depression is an illness that can destroy with little one can do to fight against the emotional demons. It strikes people with relentless force.
Each day can strike us hard, dropping us to the ground. Our strength through spirit, family and friends raises us back to our feet.
A couple of years ago I wrote a short story and is as follows.
‘Step with Him this path forward. To slight from which you will, but center back. Make your eyes see the brightness set forth before you. Yet your sight not blinded or shadowed. Through the grasses grown and the towered trees your hearing be enhanced with heaven song. When birds take flight and animals step you understand.
Are you with Him this walk of Spirit and exercise? Doubt not His word for you shall fall with injure. The thorns that can surround will sting only if consent.
When not in thought the evil encompasses. The darkness falls, you see not the dangers. Look deep for there is a Guide. Wounds heal and again your walk is straight.
The waters glisten with diamond sparkle, and the wind brings to you breathe of great scent. In this morning enjoy all that is given and give thanks.
In prayer we take step in this beautiful nature’s park.’ 
Bryce A Baker

Friday, 25 July 2014

Just Another One of Those Things

CORRECT ME IF I’M WRONG!                                      July 25, 2014

By published author
Bryce A Baker

                                Just Another One of Those Things

 There is an old saying: It is better to keep silent and be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and prove it.

 If that is the case, then I would rather say my piece. Who are they to judge? Besides, making mistakes builds character and it can be rather entertaining.

 Given the fact that I have stuck my foot in my mouth thousands of times as well as wiggled my toes in the process, I feel that I am more than qualified to write on the subject.

 I have ADHD, better referred to as ‘Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder’, partnered with fifty percent hearing loss. If that isn’t an open invitation for an intellectually stimulating verbal anomaly, nothing is. My interpretation of conversation content can range from the mundane to psychologically analyzing the meaning of life itself. Sometimes these conversations actually include another person… which after reading their lips, considering their body language and eye movement, the aforementioned saying about silence should be incorporated into my lifestyle. 

 Yesterday I had the privilege of having a conversation with a fellow that is in his forties and is diagnosed with ‘Functional Autism’. It is commonly understood that people with “LABELS” are a subspecies created for isolation and to be subtly ignored, but in fact, as we discussed, our “LABELS” are a gift from God to wreak havoc on the rest of the population. He is a very intelligent person with a high degree of intellectual abilities. So he may operate slightly different from mainstream society, but what he has to say should not be kept silent behind a social misunderstanding.

 Most people see me as someone that could never be interpreted as hyper, but if they make the mistake of pushing the hazard button on my forehead, Lookout, because my voice box goes into overdrive! After all the years of being a detective I trained to be in control to keep my feet on the ground and my tongue silent. Now that I have retired from that career, the wake of victims is piling up. It is like being freed from the harness of taciturnity.

 So what is my point and case? Well, I am trying to justify my mistakes in an illogical misalignment of character excuses to make myself feel better. It seems to be working because no one wants to talk with me anymore!

 To summarize. We are all different, with personalities and labels of many types, so why shut up. Maybe if we are honest, (within reasonable parameters) communicate more and let blister with what is on our mind, there would be less assumption with ascension to understanding.

 This be my lesson for the day. Now go forth and be loud and don’t worry, just be able to run really fast.


 Bryce A Baker

Friday, 11 July 2014


CORRECT ME IF I’M WRONG!                                                           

By published author
Bryce A Baker


I have a thorn in my shoe that is shared by the whole world. It affects our economy and national security with damages that are in the billions. It disrupts our peace and serenity… and believe me, I need all the serenity I can muster. They desecrate our private identity by robbing our names for financial gain.

Recently, some low life had hacked into one of my Facebook pages and like in the past, as most have had to deal with, there were viruses and interruptions of proper computer function.

There are three creatures that top my list of social maggots. First, are child molesters; second are pimps; and following in close proximity, are hackers.

These slimy rejects from society have plagued us since the beginning. They don’t have a personality, or enough character to function in a regular employment and choose to share their inadequacy to prove their worthlessness.

There are three types of hackers; First is the ‘competitive’ loser that competes to land government jobs to work firewalling other idiots from hacking systems; Then there are the companies that hack, and then sell you an antivirus system; Last and not least, the maggots that can’t even find a girlfriend, let alone a life. They spend hours, causing damage to others because they have no other life. As far as I am concerned, they are the typical bully with a severe case of inadequacy and insecurity. In my terms, maggots! That is insulting a maggot, my apologies to the M.R.A. (Maggot Rights Association).

To excel in computer tech abilities is a great accomplishment for progressive or positive social development. When the PC was presented to us, we became more business friendly with the world, dissolving borders.

The drug cartels are pursuing the extremely lucrative avenue of computer fraud through identity theft, credit card fraud or any crevice in the open market. They have discovered that they are hidden by an electronic freeway with no speed limit, or cop to find them in the maze.

There needs to be stronger force, and for that matter, ‘Law’ able to charge these creatures with  fraud, and whatever else they can be charged with that is more severe than their crime. Or, if they would slither out from under their moldy rock, I would be more than willing to have a ‘discussion’ with them in person.

If I were an alien from another planet, I would look at the world as too corrupt to waste my time coming to invade, befriend or hook up to their internet.

So to all those that have been burned by our subspecies of Neanderthal, let us stand firm… be patient, for one day a bolt of lightning will surge through all the internet and strike the hackers where it will hurt worst… a power outage.


Bryce A Baker

Friday, 27 June 2014

What If

CORRECT ME IF I’M WRONG!                                         

By published author
Bryce A Baker

What If

When I was eighteen I moved to Calgary, Alberta, Canada with intent to go to college. My alternate plan if this didn’t work, was to go south to the States and join the Air Force to become a fighter pilot. As fate grabbed hold of my life, plans dramatically took their own direction.
Rena and I were discussing what things would have been like if I had, in fact, joined the Air Force and done a tour of duty in Vietnam. First thing she said was that we would have never met to be together now. But comparing notes, that may not have been the case. Because, unbeknownst to each other, we had actually crossed paths at least four times. We even talked once when I was doing an art show in Abbotsford in 1996.
To question what has been, or what could have been, is a perplexing dilemma. Over history, it is my belief that we may think we are in control of our daily events, but all we do is row the boat. What I mean by this is that we can plan, employ and walk in one direction with meaning, but our destiny seems to have a life of its own. This is the great building block of experience, adventure, and the incredible reality of the unknown.
Looking back personally through the pain, the glory, the explosion of adventure, there is no place for me to question a single moment. My destiny had two of the greatest gifts given to me: My son was born, and Rena ‘invaded’ my quiet phase of life! So, although mistakes and bad judgements may ruffle one’s feathers on occasion, or danced at the top of success, I do have one thing I can say for certain; I can’t hide from Rena!
As I wrote before, dwell not on what has been, but with lesson for the future.
 In closing; ‘What if’ is not an option, but an excuse for not paying attention to one’s growth.
Bryce A Baker

Thursday, 12 June 2014


CORRECT ME IF I'M WRONG!                                                               June 13, 2014

By published author
Bryce A Baker


Six years ago, the clutch blew in my ’89 Chev 4x4. She was tired and ready for the Boneyard, but I figured even though she was in that rough of shape, I would give her a new chance at life. I took her to the shop and tore her apart, down to the bare frame, and started the restoration. Because of the other projects, she was sidelined many times, so it took this long to finish the rebuild.

Through the fifteen hundred plus hours, she fought back, causing me bloodshed and injuries. Her resistance lasted to the very end, testing my patience; But, she is now with new life and attitude.

This story of restoration isn’t that different from my personal story. Like most others, life has torn at the soul and body; with time things can just overwhelm.

Fortunately, the good Lord looked down on me through my pits and valleys, never giving up on me. Instead of letting me terminate and to be sent to the Boneyard, He slowly regenerated my spirit. My body has taken a beating, and bodywork or a paint job just won’t cut it, but considering, a retreaded soul, I keep standing.

 I fought back like the ’89, with resistance to the restoration. I doubted with a stubborn denial that change can be brought to the light.

Now, the ’89 will still bring me grief and be stubborn, but no matter what, I will keep her safe. I will be there for her through all the trials and tribulations.

Today I give thanks for the good Lord who has never given up on me; being there forever.


Bryce A Baker

Sunday, 1 June 2014

Hell Driven

CORRECT ME IF I'M WRONG!                                    May 30, 2014

By published author
Bryce A Baker
Hell Driven

One of the most publicly dangerous violations of safety is a lunatic in a stolen car.
Most aren’t aware of the gravity of how horrible these acts of theft can escalate into. Aside from the car thief that steals for profit, there is the ‘joy rider’. No matter which, they are a loaded gun waiting to be fired at an unsuspecting population.
When a thief steals a vehicle, the chance of a police pursuit is a possibility, which brings up a controversial subject. Some feel that law enforcement should not pursue in consideration of public safety. In other words, give the thieves a clear path to freedom to do whatever they want. Through the years, pursuit training for police officers has greatly changed with substantial protocols set in place for the safety of the public. Pursuits are necessary for a number of reasons due to the long list of crimes that take place involving motor vehicles.
If a driver fails to pull over when instructed, and a chase is initiated, I feel the driver of the vehicle should be charged with a threat level charge according to the severity of the event. This means that if it is a driver trying to shake the cop in a short trip away from sanity, then it would be a lesser ‘Felony’ charge. But if the driver is trying to elude by any means and an extreme threat, they should be charged with attempted murder, because they are premeditating the result.
The variations of why and how are many, so the punishment should match the crime. Anyone that decides to run has no thought for anyone’s life other than their own.
In 1993 I was in a felony pursuit of a middle aged woman that had a psychotic episode. I picked up the pursuit after she ran a city bus off the road, and me as an oncoming. The pursuit was nearly forty minutes long and soon escalated to a highway pursuit with more than ten cruisers. She severely damaged six cruisers and wrote off a unit that was placed across her path to stop her carnage. She almost hit a cyclist as well. The lady was placed in a hospital for sixty days for psychiatric evaluation and released with the diagnosis that she had a brief breakdown. No charges could be given because of the diagnosis. She was given her driver’s license back.
So it is my understanding, that for public safety, the bad guys need to be pursued in proper safety and levy a severe charge as a deterrent. Too many families have lost loved ones because a creature behind the wheel of an instrument of transportation and turned into a lethal weapon.
There needs to be a charge of attempted murder for anyone that steals a vehicle, pursuit or not! It isn’t a joke or a joy ride; it is a crime!
Bryce A Baker

Saturday, 17 May 2014

Deadly Taxes

CORRECT ME IF I'M WRONG!                                                    May 16, 2014

By published author
Bryce A Baker
Deadly Taxes

A visit to the gas pump today, again reminded me of how brutally the Canadian public is getting screwed. As on schedule, the gas companies shot the prices up just before a long weekend. If any in this country we live in, feel that what we are getting shafted by is acceptable, then they are not just sheep; they are STUPID sheep. We produce more than enough crude in this country to provide a reasonable price per litre and stimulate our economy back, so there isn’t the manipulated sense of financial security. Right after I pay and prepare to fuel my vehicle, I feel that bending over to let the oil company and government taxes finish the job, is almost mandatory.

Although this is my beef to start, it isn’t my only thought of the day. It comes to mind that, we the people are the ones that vote for leadership in all areas of government, from municipal to federal and yet we have virtually no say as to which cattle prod they use on us. Coming from my background, I know exactly what goes on behind our backs. A small example is the mayor of Toronto.

When we pay more for fuel, the chain reaction affects everything in our lives that is transported; which is everything. We don’t have extra in our paycheck to do fun things, or even support our children in a manner comparable to our employment. There used to be a middle class of wage earners, but now if your household earns under 80,000 dollars a year you are in the poor end of the spectrum. It is poor or very rich with no buffer between. From a business stand point we are being bankrupted.

Looking from a government standpoint, they present us with taxes to support the infrastructure we need to survive in today’s world. This is a reasonable understanding, but when the taxes exceed the income by ludicrous amounts, it means the infrastructure is supporting pockets that don’t feel putting food on the family table is important.

The Lottery was brought in originally to help take some burden off the tax payer to support essential services and reduce debt. If a jackpot can exceed 40 million, there has to be a gigantic intake of funds, but I don’t see any REAL funds making changes, ANYWHERE!

So let’s take into account; fuel tax, lottery, income tax, provincial tax, federal tax, land tax, water tax, environment tax, and on and on and on and on, we should have an infrastructure that would be the envy of the world. OH!!! There is a tax that is rather humorous; it is the death tax. Apparently when you die, someone from Revenue Canada crawls into your coffin demanding to get paid for letting you die.

Some years ago New Zealand was on the brink of bankruptcy. They came up with a solution and in just two years restored a good economy. They levied a 10 percent tax and made radical changes in the money base in a business structured arrangement. The structure is too simple for our government to understand so I won’t overwhelm them with the details, and it would impede their spending habits.

I would write more but there is word out that our government is considering taxing us for using our computers, and besides I feel very emotionally taxed right now.

In closing I have no ill feelings for the oil companies that are killing our economy or our government that is choking us to death; and beyond. I am but a sheep following the idiot with the label of leadership.


Bryce A Baker

Thursday, 1 May 2014

Butt of a Sick Joke

CORRECT ME IF IM WRONG!                  May 3, 2014

By published author

Bryce A Baker

Butt of a Sick Joke

Over the last couple of decades or more, the fashion trend for some young males has taken on a life of its own. Personally, I feel it is an insult to masculinity and intelligence; I speak of the sagging pants. They are exposing more than their butts.
Out of curiosity, I did extensive research and found some interesting information.
The lowered waist band originated, without a doubt, in the American prison system where it was reported that belts were not allowed to be worn and as a result pants drooped, some lower than others. Now, from what I understand as well, the look signified an ownership by another inmate for sex.
Now I know what you are asking, and I am not going into details!
The sub culture of street youth adopted the look to portray their outlaw attitude. Then came the rap music persona, and so on, and so on… We all know how much of a grab it has had, and maintains on the rebel youth of today.
Setting aside the meaning of the fashion statement, I found that getting in a foot pursuit with one of these youths is rather ironic. Given the fact that they are relating to their counterparts in the prison system, they can’t outrun a cop when they are attempting to keep their britches up and not tripping over them. Since their mentors are that of their ‘friendly buddies’ in jail, they will get the opportunity to truly understand what they are in for within the walls of a prison.
They say you can’t judge a book by its cover, but in relationship to how a person presents themselves, does, in my opinion, outline how and what their personalities are. To each their own expression of how they dress, but speaking from extensive experience on the street, and criminally analyzing those who perpetuate street crime; they do have a uniform along with a specific look.
With that said; I was working an undercover gig in Victoria in the mid ‘80s. I wandered into an all-night restaurant for a coffee in early hours, and sat at the counter… and sat… and sat. Finally, the manager came up and refused service to me because he assumed I was a street criminal. In a way it was comical but it points out that either I fit the part I played or maybe I have an alternate lifestyle.
I feel it isn’t a given right to walk down a public street looking like one has messed their pants or has an exhibitionistic fetish. It is not an expression of a positive contribution to our world. It is an expression of violence, crime, ‘gangsta’ and a disregard for those around them!
Anyway… there is an old saying;
If you sag, don’t brag.
If you steal, you can’t appeal.
For later or sooner, you will have a new spooner.
Your cell will be crowded. Your life will be forever clouded.
So pull your pants up and be a man.

Okay… I made it up!

Bryce A Baker

Friday, 18 April 2014

Hate Draws Flies; Love Draws Angels

CORRECT ME IF I AM WRONG!                                        April 18, 2014

By published author
Bryce A Baker

Hate Draws Flies; Love Draws Angels

Over the years, many people have come to me to release some of their pain through counsel, about family or misaligned accusations against them. They expressed that the gossip passed from one vile mouth to another about them, has crushed them emotionally.

These stories that people have shared with me are all too common, and are extremely brutal against those who try to do good in this world. It is a sad reality that some people need to degrade or seed a libelous statement against another, either out of jealousy or their own insecurities.

I, also, have personally been bombarded with this dirty sword, causing severe damage. In my career as a detective, it is accepted that the defense lawyers are going to try to discredit me and my arrest in some way, but when it comes to family or friends it can be devastating.

Many years ago, a good friend and counsel witnessed a personal encounter I had with someone I cared very deeply for. The vile content of that person’s accusations cut deep. After that person had left, my Pastor asked me if any of what was said is true. I told him simply, “No.” He smiled at me and said, “Then don’t worry, the truth will always surface.

Eventually it did, fortunately, in my lifetime. But sitting back and knowing the truth, when a relationship or contact with a family member has been restricted by deception and lies can cause many sleepless nights. Emotional damage like that can be hard to purge.

I have found, as a writer, I can create a character or situation that is only fiction, but the penned word can take on a surprising strength. It is my intention, and hope, that a positive influence may bring out the truth or have my readers understand things from a renewed perspective. These Correct Me If I Am Wrong articles are a way to explore avenues of what I have come to understand through experience and observation.

With that said:

There are some great people that have passed that I do miss. Growing up I didn't have the blessing of grandparents. My mom’s dad was a very hard worker; he passed well before I was born. My dad's father was a man that I would model my life after; he died when I was three. My grand moms passed before my teen years. I still miss my 19 year old uncle who passed in 1961 when I was only 6. He will remain my hero for giving his life to save his friend’s. Then there is Rena's dad who I never got the honor of meeting. He was a Bomber Pilot in WW2 and heavily decorated. I would have been in my glory sharing a drink with him.

There are others, of course, that are seated in a place above that are also missed, but my point is simple; Love those that share your time and cherish every second without the negative.

And when someone cuts you with a dirty sword, remember, eventually they themselves will be taken to the ground.


Bryce A Baker

Friday, 4 April 2014

The TV Made Me Do It

CORRECT ME IF I’M WRONG!                 April 4, 2014

By author Bryce A Baker
The TV Made Me Do It
Undoubtedly, most of us have watched TV or been to a movie or two. We have read comic books or utilized other means of absorbing mental stimulation from a media format.

This brings up a subject that has been controversial for years. ‘What, if any, influence has subject matter or character portrayal have on individuals or groups?’

As a writer I know for a fact that media does coerce us into alternate understandings and reaction. For instance, children emulate what they see in cartoons or television programing whether they be pro or con. Children function differently when they have taken into their own world their hero or mentor.

Back in the fifties and sixties the Three Stooges were accepted so much that children were hitting other children over the head with hammers believing that it is was only an opportunity for a laugh. The show eventually was banned.

Since then, we and our children have been inundated with books, TV shows, movies and the worst INFLUENCE, video games that are riddled with violence, along with a sociopathic escape from reality. Death or injury has become surreal to some individuals, resulting in actual events. 

Children do have a positive influence with comic heroes fortunately, and it does form a platform to adulthood.

The human mind is a fragile mass of a sponge like substance that absorbs all that is seen and heard. It analyzes the input then stores the data in pockets of negative or positive files to be operational when the time warrants. If the individual can be programmed to function without restraint or a conscience base, then bad things are bound to occur.

As adult’s, television hypnotizes us to follow what product or service we cannot live without. So the immature mind isn’t the only target.

An excerpt from my book ‘Ghosts of Time’: “Within the closed capsule of the human mind, is a complex stratosphere of social programming. We believe what is told to us, even when it is unconfirmed or unreasonable.”

Trying to introduce more positive, progressive subject matter in the media would develop more productive people. In this liberal world we are going to self-destruct from alternate realities.

Okay! I know… this coming from a person that writes books that do contain some violence. But my books do not contain swearing and the content shows the difference between good and evil. In my book ‘Knight Horse’, there are two young boys talking about their action hero figures. Their conversation demonstrates that most young people seek out the good.

There is no possible way to shift back to what was referred to as censorship, but we could provide an understanding to our children that there is a difference. In real life, we don’t get a ‘RESET’ button. Once the ‘GAME OVER’ appears, there is no second chance.  


Bryce A Baker