Friday, 25 July 2014

Just Another One of Those Things

CORRECT ME IF I’M WRONG!                                      July 25, 2014

By published author
Bryce A Baker

                                Just Another One of Those Things

 There is an old saying: It is better to keep silent and be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and prove it.

 If that is the case, then I would rather say my piece. Who are they to judge? Besides, making mistakes builds character and it can be rather entertaining.

 Given the fact that I have stuck my foot in my mouth thousands of times as well as wiggled my toes in the process, I feel that I am more than qualified to write on the subject.

 I have ADHD, better referred to as ‘Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder’, partnered with fifty percent hearing loss. If that isn’t an open invitation for an intellectually stimulating verbal anomaly, nothing is. My interpretation of conversation content can range from the mundane to psychologically analyzing the meaning of life itself. Sometimes these conversations actually include another person… which after reading their lips, considering their body language and eye movement, the aforementioned saying about silence should be incorporated into my lifestyle. 

 Yesterday I had the privilege of having a conversation with a fellow that is in his forties and is diagnosed with ‘Functional Autism’. It is commonly understood that people with “LABELS” are a subspecies created for isolation and to be subtly ignored, but in fact, as we discussed, our “LABELS” are a gift from God to wreak havoc on the rest of the population. He is a very intelligent person with a high degree of intellectual abilities. So he may operate slightly different from mainstream society, but what he has to say should not be kept silent behind a social misunderstanding.

 Most people see me as someone that could never be interpreted as hyper, but if they make the mistake of pushing the hazard button on my forehead, Lookout, because my voice box goes into overdrive! After all the years of being a detective I trained to be in control to keep my feet on the ground and my tongue silent. Now that I have retired from that career, the wake of victims is piling up. It is like being freed from the harness of taciturnity.

 So what is my point and case? Well, I am trying to justify my mistakes in an illogical misalignment of character excuses to make myself feel better. It seems to be working because no one wants to talk with me anymore!

 To summarize. We are all different, with personalities and labels of many types, so why shut up. Maybe if we are honest, (within reasonable parameters) communicate more and let blister with what is on our mind, there would be less assumption with ascension to understanding.

 This be my lesson for the day. Now go forth and be loud and don’t worry, just be able to run really fast.


 Bryce A Baker

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