ME IF I'M WRONG! October 25,
By author Bryce A Baker
REACTION: Learn to type.
ACTION: Being in a shootout and running out of bullets.
REACTION: Go for a donut and coffee and hope the bad guy leaves.
ACTION: Pulling someone over for speeding and locking myself out of the police car.
REACTION: Walk for a donut and coffee.
ACTION: It taking miles for someone you are pulling over to hear and see your emergency siren and lights. Then state they didn’t see me behind them.
REACTION: Flatten their tires.
ACTION: Having a youth that has just stolen a car state, “I’m underage! You can’t touch me!”
REACTION: Flatten the tires on their skateboard.
ACTION: Halfway through my coffee and donut and get a call out.
REACTION: Get them to go.
ACTION: Arresting someone with a gun and they state, “I have a license for that.” A fishing license isn’t a gun license!
REACTION: Giving up on trying to figure out the criminal mind.
So you see life is irritating, but if we handle it in a rational, spiritual way, all can be good.
Bryce A
By author Bryce A Baker
Irritated, WWJD?
In this modern world we are surrounded by many events that irritate our mental, emotional and spiritual stability. If I may, I am going to share some of the items that rock, or have rocked my world. Coming from a world of Criminal Investigation the list is rather substantial, but I will reduce it to a few thousand. Let me also state that the question, “What would Jesus do?” is tattooed on my brain cells. Unfortunately those brain cells are smudged on occasion. Oh, and with His Spirit I have maintained a relative state of sanity.
Being irritated has an action, reaction when experienced, which at times can get one into serious trouble. How we handle these events is our responsibility. Sometimes biting our tongue will not suffice and we explode into an irrational episode of stupidity, followed by the shock of reality blasting us in the face.
Things that have irritated me;
ACTION: Working for months on a case only to have a typo error have it thrown out of court.
In this modern world we are surrounded by many events that irritate our mental, emotional and spiritual stability. If I may, I am going to share some of the items that rock, or have rocked my world. Coming from a world of Criminal Investigation the list is rather substantial, but I will reduce it to a few thousand. Let me also state that the question, “What would Jesus do?” is tattooed on my brain cells. Unfortunately those brain cells are smudged on occasion. Oh, and with His Spirit I have maintained a relative state of sanity.
Being irritated has an action, reaction when experienced, which at times can get one into serious trouble. How we handle these events is our responsibility. Sometimes biting our tongue will not suffice and we explode into an irrational episode of stupidity, followed by the shock of reality blasting us in the face.
Things that have irritated me;
ACTION: Working for months on a case only to have a typo error have it thrown out of court.
REACTION: Learn to type.
ACTION: Being in a shootout and running out of bullets.
REACTION: Go for a donut and coffee and hope the bad guy leaves.
ACTION: Pulling someone over for speeding and locking myself out of the police car.
REACTION: Walk for a donut and coffee.
ACTION: It taking miles for someone you are pulling over to hear and see your emergency siren and lights. Then state they didn’t see me behind them.
REACTION: Flatten their tires.
ACTION: Having a youth that has just stolen a car state, “I’m underage! You can’t touch me!”
REACTION: Flatten the tires on their skateboard.
ACTION: Halfway through my coffee and donut and get a call out.
REACTION: Get them to go.
ACTION: Arresting someone with a gun and they state, “I have a license for that.” A fishing license isn’t a gun license!
REACTION: Giving up on trying to figure out the criminal mind.
So you see life is irritating, but if we handle it in a rational, spiritual way, all can be good.
Bryce A
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