Saturday, 17 May 2014

Deadly Taxes

CORRECT ME IF I'M WRONG!                                                    May 16, 2014

By published author
Bryce A Baker
Deadly Taxes

A visit to the gas pump today, again reminded me of how brutally the Canadian public is getting screwed. As on schedule, the gas companies shot the prices up just before a long weekend. If any in this country we live in, feel that what we are getting shafted by is acceptable, then they are not just sheep; they are STUPID sheep. We produce more than enough crude in this country to provide a reasonable price per litre and stimulate our economy back, so there isn’t the manipulated sense of financial security. Right after I pay and prepare to fuel my vehicle, I feel that bending over to let the oil company and government taxes finish the job, is almost mandatory.

Although this is my beef to start, it isn’t my only thought of the day. It comes to mind that, we the people are the ones that vote for leadership in all areas of government, from municipal to federal and yet we have virtually no say as to which cattle prod they use on us. Coming from my background, I know exactly what goes on behind our backs. A small example is the mayor of Toronto.

When we pay more for fuel, the chain reaction affects everything in our lives that is transported; which is everything. We don’t have extra in our paycheck to do fun things, or even support our children in a manner comparable to our employment. There used to be a middle class of wage earners, but now if your household earns under 80,000 dollars a year you are in the poor end of the spectrum. It is poor or very rich with no buffer between. From a business stand point we are being bankrupted.

Looking from a government standpoint, they present us with taxes to support the infrastructure we need to survive in today’s world. This is a reasonable understanding, but when the taxes exceed the income by ludicrous amounts, it means the infrastructure is supporting pockets that don’t feel putting food on the family table is important.

The Lottery was brought in originally to help take some burden off the tax payer to support essential services and reduce debt. If a jackpot can exceed 40 million, there has to be a gigantic intake of funds, but I don’t see any REAL funds making changes, ANYWHERE!

So let’s take into account; fuel tax, lottery, income tax, provincial tax, federal tax, land tax, water tax, environment tax, and on and on and on and on, we should have an infrastructure that would be the envy of the world. OH!!! There is a tax that is rather humorous; it is the death tax. Apparently when you die, someone from Revenue Canada crawls into your coffin demanding to get paid for letting you die.

Some years ago New Zealand was on the brink of bankruptcy. They came up with a solution and in just two years restored a good economy. They levied a 10 percent tax and made radical changes in the money base in a business structured arrangement. The structure is too simple for our government to understand so I won’t overwhelm them with the details, and it would impede their spending habits.

I would write more but there is word out that our government is considering taxing us for using our computers, and besides I feel very emotionally taxed right now.

In closing I have no ill feelings for the oil companies that are killing our economy or our government that is choking us to death; and beyond. I am but a sheep following the idiot with the label of leadership.


Bryce A Baker

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