This fifth edition of ‘CORRECT ME IF I’M WRONG’ is coming to you out of schedule due to the current subject.
Murder with Excuse March 30, 2013
A few days ago, news was it that the man that killed a Toronto cop was not criminally responsible for his actions. Now it took a few days for me to calm down enough to write this article. What I found the worst is the comments made by the uneducated, heartless, unaware idiots that felt sorry for the ‘poor mentally ill man’ that killed the cop.
First, I want to give my deepest heartfelt sympathy to the family of the Toronto Officer that gave his life to protect the public.
As I was reading the post on Yahoo it was followed by feedback from the public. Most were disgusted with the judicial system that let a killer off because he has a mental illness. If one commits murder, ill or not, they are a time bomb to do it again. AS HISTORY PROVES! ‘Claudette’ felt sorry for the mentally ill man that killed the cop. Another stated the cop should have got out of the way. Another stated the government has let the people with mental illness down. If these people feel so bad about this mentally ill man that brutally murdered someone, then they should volunteer their home and see how quickly they will be calling 911. How would they feel if a family member of theirs was murdered by this man.
Like I said in my first edition of ‘Correct Me If I’m Wrong!, dealing with the criminals was the easy part. It was the judicial system and the bleeding heart sickos of the Human Rights League that adamantly protects the criminal rights, over the victims.
Over the years I have personally dealt with people with mental illness in my job and at home. Let me share some of them.
On a bright sunny afternoon I was driving on a main thoroughfare near downtown Victoria. Without warning a small car pulled out from behind an oncoming bus and forced the bus to the sidewalk, and I to the sidewalk as well. I made a turn around and initiated pursuit. As I was catching up to her she was swerving onto the sidewalk and chasing people with her car. Her arm was flailing out of her window. At this point no one was injured. I will shorten the extremely dangerous forty minute pursuit to the end. The only way she was stopped was with a road that was barricaded with police cars. During the pursuit she was randomly ramming police cars at high speed. There was by today’s standards fifty thousand dollars’ worth of damage. She was taken into custody and later sent to an institution for sixty days of evaluation. She was later released without charges and even had her driver’s license returned, because she had a temporary lapse of sanity.
There was a drug induced bludgeoning of an old man because he wouldn’t give any money. A kidnapping and sadistic murder. And rape after she was dead. I could go on with my cop experiences but, I can’t.
Then there are the recent murders of elementary school kids, the beheading of a fellow passenger on a Greyhound bus, and after seeing the lowest disgusting violations of humanity, two minor’s have stooped even lower with the shooting of the eighteen month old baby in the States.
Why do I bring these sick incidences up? Heinous crimes are committed by mentally unstable persons. Twenty percent of the Canadian population suffers from a mental illness and there ARE support systems in place to help these people with the issues they suffer from. But ironically the Human Rights League has made an error. These people HAVE THE RIGHT NOT TO SEEK HELP!
There are people that won’t seek help because of the stigmata that society labels them with and this is extremely unfortunate because most mental illness is treatable and are not with violent intent. Personally I have battled alcoholism, the mental stress of my former career and had a lengthy relationship with someone with mental illness. So I am with understanding and compassion, but being ill is not a license to brutally assassinate another human being. Now some people will think my opinion is because I was a cop, but they are wrong. IT’S BECAUSE I’M A HUMAN BEING tired of hearing EXCUSES for murder.
Please... Correct Me If I’m Wrong!
Bryce A Baker
Bryce A Baker
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