Saturday, 30 March 2013

'The Flip Side of Mental Illness' the 6th edition of CORRECT ME IF I'M WRONG!

The Flip Side of Mental Illness                                                 April 5, 2013

As an author, I receive feedback from people around the world about my articles and other writings. These feedbacks assist me to grow as a writer and further understand the public opinion.

My last article about mental illness sparked positive responses from many, and even from people with issues they struggled with. Sometimes, just having someone say that their illness isn’t a contagious disease from outer space gives them some peace of mind. These people are not dangerous and deserve the consideration and compassion like anyone else.
On the other hand the criminally ill are on another nasty page, but this ‘CORRECT ME IF I’M WRONG!’ will capture the good page. Don’t get me wrong. I’m not a bleeding heart Human Rights leaguer, just a person of compassion. Like I said before, if I have an opinion about something, I have walked the path.

Many years ago I worked a case where an ex was trying to kill the mother, and even though ‘his’ three young children were in her care, he attempted his acts of insanity in their presence. Not to worry, he didn’t succeed and was dealt with. My point of bringing this up is that the oldest child was an eight year old girl with Down Syndrome. In the beginning she played me to find her borders and, after she understood that she couldn’t play me like a fiddle, we got along great. My partner and I escorted the mom and kids for outings and people’s reaction to the little girl were mixed but some were disgusting. This young girl had an illness that she was born with and had no choice in the matter. To me she was a beautiful child of God and deserved love and understanding like anyone else. She did test my patience sometimes but she was my buddy. She called me ‘Smokey’ because I gave Smokey Bear hugs.

Everyone on this earth has a medical skeleton in their closet so no one has the right to isolate another because of illness or physical difference. That said… the exceptions are the creatures with violent intent or tendencies. If one chooses to be cold toward the ill, then they need to swallow their prejudice and thank God they don’t have to contend with someone labeling them.
Rena and I are comedy driven and are preparing to do stand-up comedy together. From a previous write of mine… ‘Rena has ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) and I with ADH ...HHHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder). It is a plus for us because our arguments last three or four seconds. We either forget what we are arguing about or lose interest. Going for coffee with us creates a public disturbance at the coffee shop! There is a speed dial to 911 for the public where they’re asked,  ‘police , fire, ambulance or Baker Disturbance?’

Rena showed me a video of a program for people with mental illness that teaches them how to do stand-up comedy by poking fun at the humor of it. This program was started by a counselor who himself suffers from depression. The comedians are hilarious and like I used to tell my partners, ‘Always turn a negative into a positive”. These people have confronted their condition and walked onto a stage of healing. Please support them; .

Let us not dwell on the problem of difference, but on the road of understanding.

Bryce A Baker

'Murder with Excuse' 5th edition of ‘CORRECT ME IF I’M WRONG’ is coming to you out of schedule due to the current subject.

This fifth edition of ‘CORRECT ME IF I’M WRONG’  is coming to you out of schedule due to the current subject.

Murder with Excuse                                                        March 30, 2013

A few days ago, news was it that the man that killed a Toronto cop was not criminally responsible for his actions. Now it took a few days for me to calm down enough to write this article. What I found the worst is the comments made by the uneducated, heartless, unaware idiots that felt sorry for the ‘poor mentally ill man’ that killed the cop.

First, I want to give my deepest heartfelt sympathy to the family of the Toronto Officer that gave his life to protect the public.

As I was reading the post on Yahoo it was followed by feedback from the public. Most were disgusted with the judicial system that let a killer off because he has a mental illness. If one commits murder, ill or not, they are a time bomb to do it again. AS HISTORY PROVES! ‘Claudette’ felt sorry for the mentally ill man that killed the cop. Another stated the cop should have got out of the way. Another stated the government has let the people with mental illness down. If these people feel so bad about this mentally ill man that brutally murdered someone, then they should volunteer their home and see how quickly they will be calling 911. How would they feel if a family member of theirs was  murdered by this man.

Like I said in my first edition of ‘Correct Me If I’m Wrong!, dealing with the criminals was the easy part. It was the judicial system and the bleeding heart sickos of the Human Rights League that adamantly protects the criminal rights, over the victims.  

Over the years I have personally dealt with people with mental illness in my job and at home. Let me share some of them.

On a bright sunny afternoon I was driving on a main thoroughfare near downtown Victoria. Without warning a small car pulled out from behind an oncoming bus and forced the bus to the sidewalk, and I to the sidewalk as well. I made a turn around and initiated pursuit. As I was catching up to her she was swerving onto the sidewalk and chasing people with her car. Her arm was flailing out of her window. At this point no one was injured. I will shorten the extremely dangerous forty minute pursuit to the end. The only way she was stopped was with a road that was barricaded with police cars. During the pursuit she was randomly ramming police cars at high speed. There was by today’s standards fifty thousand dollars’ worth of damage. She was taken into custody and later sent to an institution for sixty days of evaluation. She was later released without charges and even had her driver’s license returned, because she had a temporary lapse of sanity.

There was a drug induced bludgeoning of an old man because he wouldn’t give any money. A kidnapping and sadistic murder. And rape after she was dead. I could go on with my cop experiences but, I can’t.

Then there are the recent murders of elementary school kids, the beheading of a fellow passenger on a Greyhound bus, and after seeing the lowest disgusting violations of humanity, two minor’s have stooped even lower with the shooting of the eighteen month old baby in the States.

Why do I bring these sick incidences up? Heinous crimes are committed by mentally unstable persons. Twenty percent of the Canadian population suffers from a mental illness and there ARE support systems in place to help these people with the issues they suffer from. But ironically the Human Rights League has made an error. These people HAVE THE RIGHT NOT TO SEEK HELP!

There are people that won’t seek help because of the stigmata that society labels them with and this is extremely unfortunate because most mental illness is treatable and are not with violent intent. Personally I have battled alcoholism,  the mental stress of my former career and had a lengthy relationship with someone with mental illness. So I am with understanding and compassion, but being ill is not a license to brutally assassinate another human being. Now some people will think my opinion is because I was a cop, but they are wrong. IT’S BECAUSE I’M A HUMAN BEING tired of hearing EXCUSES for murder.

Please... Correct Me If I’m Wrong!

Bryce A Baker

'DARK be the Days' 4th edition of CORRECT ME IF I’M WRONG!

CORRECT ME IF I'M WRONG!                                March 22, 2013

By author Bryce A Baker

DARK be the Days 
          DARK BE the days that we see race, religion, gender, size, intelligence or any physical disability as a target for prejudice. Most people see prejudice as race motivated, but blankets more than I personally can tolerate. We have all been the subject of some form or another. In high school my short stature was of no concern but after moving out into the work force it was. Apparently as per studies funded, tall men have more structure as a leader or businessman. Guess the taller one means more brain cells. I’m going to focus on the most common human dysfunction; racial leveling. As a kid I went to a back woods school in northern Ontario. We played and went to school with many different nationalities, but I personally learnt a lot from the native kids. We played in nature and even though my spiritual understanding at the time was different I respected them and they respected me. Racial difference was great to share different ideas. Now that said, things have changed as an adult.
          To me, any culture difference is not for me to judge or change in any way except when that person misuses their race or religion as a tool of condemnation or manipulation. I will return to that note shortly.
          Over the years I have had great friends of different races and religions. My best friend in Calgary was Chinese. I trained a female Undercover Officer that was half East Indian. I have a Native Canadian Law Enforcement Officer as a good and trusted friend. To me they are people, not a segregated species. As a Caucasian and in law enforcement I have been blasted with reverse prejudice. Yes it works both ways. Handcuffing someone for breaking the law doesn’t mean it’s because they are a different color.  My Chinese friend and I used to frequent Sunday dim sum in Chinatown in Calgary. As a Caucasian they wouldn’t even look at me. My friend would do the ordering. I understand that the white people abused them and many other races over history, but I don’t condemn someone whose ancestor did something wrong. I have had many white people do a number on me, so evil intent is evil intent no matter how shaded.
          Now I could go into the ‘within’ race abuse and the endless stories and branches of prejudice but it isn’t within the limited structure of this writing. My point, simply put is since the first dawn there has been battles between tribes and religions at great human cost, and for what; to gain power or a piece of dirt. Writing this short piece won’t fix the problem but one thing I know; He who casts a stone in hate already is paying the price.
          It is a known fact that a smile and a good deed for your neighbor is a positive chemical reaction to your brain.


Bryce A Baker

Friday, 8 March 2013



             In my quest to remain politically incorrect I feel this ‘Correct Me If I’m Wrong’ will wander into a different realm to lighten things up for a change. I’m going to critique our television programing as soon as I stop laughing.

            My first victim is our infamous home grown wonder ‘The Real `House Wives of Vancouver’. Their show description is… pampered; lavish lifestyle of luxurious wealth, pampered privilege, being seen and who you know is everything’. Boy am I glad I’m poor and my friends don’t worship my wallet. There were times in my life that I had lots of money but at no time did my feet or attitude leave the ground. I body guarded movie stars with lots of money and notoriety and they never looked down on anyone and played well in blue jeans. They remembered their humble start and had compassion for the less fortunate. Now it is unfair of me to criticize the House Wives of Vancouver without knowing them. BUT, as portrayed on television they leave me wondering who will cater to them in a crisis or natural disaster, and I don’t mean a broken fingernail. It’s a sad state of education for young people to be taught by materialism and attitude. 

            Next is ‘Trailer Park Boys’. Hang on. I’m trying to lower my IQ level low enough to relate to this epic episode of idiocy. Sorry can’t relate!

               ‘America’s Most Smartest Model’. Aside from the poor grammar of the ‘Most Smartest’ I had no idea that models were in a league of their own for smarts. I wish to thank the producers of the show to have pointed this out to all of us.

            ‘Ghost Hunters and Chasing Bigfoot’. I’m sure the ghosts and sasquatches’ must be arm and arm laughing their faces off.

            ‘Amish Mafia’. Wow. These non-violent folk are packin’ some nasty firepower. The show relates to the members of their group that provide protection and security for the Amish following in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. Again we are being hoodwinked into fictional reality, mind altering obsorbition of a bucket load of doodoo. Funny how many people will actually believe this show and target the Amish with violence and criticism. OOPS! Went into courtroom mode.

            ‘Jersey Shore’. Sad, very sad… that these party hardy young people have nothing more to do than make fools of themselves. We were all young and foolish once upon a time (I think) but we didn’t have a TV show to advertise it.

            ‘Ancient Aliens’. Now considering I have alien blood and was exiled from my birth planet as a child, my comments are twofold. Love the show! There IS some intellectually stimulating programming on the tube. If Aliens did populate the world in ancient times, they left a lot of graffiti to clean up. Now speaking on the other ‘fold’ we aliens were too far advanced back then for our own good and were sent packing. Now that we have returned… we are just too entertained by the stupid reality programming to waste time with world domination. One last comment on this show. The professional alien chasers that express their point of reason should do SOMETHING about their hair and not look like they just stepped out of a wind tunnel.

           In closing, I watch TV for the stories and not the pictures! Just pullin’ your leg. To become enthralled in a thought provoking plot or an informative educational program is my escape from reality. IF I wanted reality I will turn the ‘Reality TV’ OFF.