Friday, 29 November 2013


CORRECT ME IF I’M WRONG!                                 November 29, 2013

Writing fictional books is like sailing through different worlds that may not be afforded us in real life. Authors command the adventure and realize the result without giving way to status quo. Putting the words to paper is scaling the impossible and immersing oneself in a dimension of imagination. It is a mind drug with incredible side effects.
When I write a sentence, there is always a paragraph behind it.
I originally wrote this for Facebook, but because it is a time for thanksgiving I felt it was appropriate in this ‘CORRECT ME IF I’M WRONG!’
Canadian and American thanksgiving days are a month apart, but it should be noted that we should give our thanks every day. As a Christian, I personally have taken criticism for being of my faith, but as I learned many years ago, I am not here to accept that criticism as a base for why I am. No matter which God or belief one follows, is not of my judgement. If our faith is a positive message and a benefit to our neighbors then so be it.
Many times Christians have been labeled as hypocrites. Well they are right; everyone is a hypocrite, but if one seeks positive answers and a way to help others then they are in the right place. In my previous career I have seen the bowels of evil and if a person wishes to live and believe in that then they are already paying the price of loss for there is no brother standing next to them.
Whether one is a Christian or Muslim or a Buddhist or whatever, it is the positive example that is the biggest teacher to others. If you reach out, they will reach back.
In my work I have had Guardian Angels with me, and I thank the Lord for providing them. I also thank Him for the spiritual gifts bestowed, for his message shall be given.
The following is an excerpt from my second book ’Shield and Sword: Into the Light’
‘As one stands at the bottom of a canyon looking up the steep rock walls it is time to understand why you are where you are. To reach the top of the cliff walls takes dedication, reflection, and positive spirit.
Many times I have been on top looking down and found myself plummeting back to where I began in the canyon base. These rises and falls are part of life and the important thing is how we react, learn and mature. It isn’t because of anyone else's error but our own. We have all been given the spiritual and physical strength to overcome calamities. The answer doesn’t get resolved consuming alcohol or drugs. On the contrary, the problems remain and are amplified by a hangover.’ 
I have learned that a positive spirit makes the journey less corrugated and more of an adventure. Appreciate the gifts that are given to us in bounty and not the bounty in the gifts.
Even though my climbs up the cliff walls have scarred my physical being and my soul, these battle scars only remind me of, and amplify the good given.
We may not live in a mansion or drive a fancy car but if we are happy on a bicycle and dwelling in a tent, take no criticism for you are you. Give the person beside you on the cliff wall a hand. The climb for them may be more difficult.
Bryce A Baker

Thursday, 14 November 2013

Burden of Knowledge

CORRECT ME IF I’M WRONG!                                                                November 15, 2013

by author Bryce A Baker

Burden of Knowledge

As a former undercover detective I, like most bad guy hunters, have seen the vile part of society. Most people are unaware, or selectively blind to the world around them.

In the 1980s there was a criminal investigation and recovery that a detective and his partner were assigned. An eighteen year old woman was kidnapped and as the investigation proceeded, a general case went viral. The main suspect was a landed immigrant and was a key figure in a Canada wide criminal organization. The suspect falsely coerced young ladies toward glitter but became prisoners of the street. This organization forced young ladies into heavily monitored prostitution and leased out to ‘pimps’ by the week in different cities across Canada. Yes Canadian slavery!

Two weeks into the investigation, the ‘brass’ told the detectives to stand down on the investigation, or ‘stop’. The lead detective had a chronic case of persistence, and a week later ‘recovered’ the young lady from a ‘lease pimp’ in Alberta.

The detective and partner interviewed the young lady shortly after recovery and confirmed the organizations arrangements and drug induced compliance. She also witnessed a murder of a forced prostitute in Winnipeg who was caught holding back money from the pimp for escape. He put her against a wall and drove his car into her. The detectives later confirmed the murder. No charges were pursued because all the witnesses were blind at the time. The recovered lady also said that a number of clients across Canada were municipal, provincial, and federal politicians and named many names.
The young lady was sent to drug rehab in a secured location and later put into a safe house.
The interview was not submitted with the main report and has been secured in a safe place.

Considering the age of the case, it is assumed the lot of politicians are now history. Charges were never brought against the landed immigrant ‘boss’. At the time, there was a hit contract put out by the suspect against the detective. This contract was never fulfilled and involves another long story.
As a retired detective, this story is only one of thousands that can prey on one’s emotions and confidence in the politicians who we depend on to make our laws and govern a safe, productive country. Now if this interview was released at the time, the retribution from the guilty would have been severe, as well as the criminal organization that is so conscience void.
Telling this story does not give reprieve from the burden of knowledge, and many will say “That doesn’t happen in Canada.” So as we enjoy the freedoms our soldiers have given us; the hidden war at home steals the lives of those TAKEN by Organized Crime.

There is the old saying:”What you don`t know won`t hurt you.” Well, I hate to burst your bubble but, IT IS!

Many ‘Law abiding citizens’ add to the carnage every time they buy an ‘Innocent’ amount of dope, pick up a prostitute or any other so called ‘harmless’ ride away from honor. Each grain of sand can become a beach. But it’s okay; there are people to protect you.


Bryce A Baker

Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Lost In Space

CORRECT ME IF I’M WRONG!                                               November 1, 2013

By author Bryce A Baker

Lost In Space

Last and certainly least in my three pokes at reality TV, is the barrage of UFO hunting shows. Personally I strongly believe there is life on other planets or other dimensions. It would seem rather silly to believe that amongst the many universes that inhabit our reality, that we are the only creatures with the ability to create such havoc.

There are so many re-enactments of past sightings and events of visitors from the far beyond. But telling the same experience a billion times is only boring me to no end. The shows provide apparent evidence of celestial spies but add different versions of their analysis, which re-questions the investigative confusion. 

Hyper curious hunters spend most of their lives sitting on a mountain side with camera in hand waiting for the million dollar picture that will escalate them to riches and fame. I can imagine that our alien intruders are well aware of what these people are up to and taunt them with a light show or opportunity to be criticized by the endless number of skeptics.

Then there are the shows about abductions and being probed. All I have to say to this is “What have they got that I don’t?” I would love to have Sparky beam me up. Listening to their stories of being scooped up by a beam, probed and being programmed, is just like one of my marriages. No one believed it happened that way.

I am a fan of one show though called ‘Ancient Aliens.’ This show investigates the ancient structures from our hidden past. These structures that are sometimes thousands of years old, and even with today’s technology would be near impossible to construct. Their theory is that ancient aliens assisted or built these monuments of present day mystery hunters. My theory is that the aliens built them to occupy a select group, with an old version of Rubik’s Cube. What’s the saying??? Busy hands keep the TV ratings up!? OHHH… as I commented before, the fellow with the ‘wind tunnel’ hair would be a lot more productive if he fixed his hair.

Yes I do believe in aliens… how else could our governments be programmed to run so inefficiently and confused?!

In closing, I wish to thank all those hunters of Aliens for providing me with entertainment on those long cold nights that there are only reruns of Star Trek. Go forth and seek what others may think is crazy in the hopes that Sparky will be there for you.

P.S. Government cover up? I wouldn’t know… they told me to shut up!


Bryce A Baker

Friday, 18 October 2013

Big Feet?

CORRECT ME IF I’M WRONG!                                                                    October 18, 2013

By author Bryce A Baker


Second in the three, is the show on television by the name of ‘Finding Bigfoot’. Not defacing all the Good Investigators’ that actually have legitimate credentials, I evaluate this program as a Government Conspiracy to cover up the real truth with stupidity. If a creature named Bigfoot does exist, this show will protect their anonymity.

After I do an article, I receive feedback stories and opinions touching on that subject. However, somehow my ‘Bigfoot’ article leaked out prior to release and I received an email giving their opinion. Normally I wouldn’t rewrite an article with such an event but in this case I feel it is warranted. The following is a copy of that email to me.


My name is Mr. B. Foot and I have been following your articles for some time, and have determined that our story needs to be told. If you feel that it is worthy of telling, you have our permission to post it.

For centuries the humans have been searching for us and we have tried to stay hidden, but our home is being slowly taken over by the Humans. Our ‘Anti-Being Found’ teams have done great work in masking our existence with misinformation and our skeptic groups. Fortunately for us, most humans aren’t interested in the truly unknown.

I need to clear up a few things so maybe we can just get these strange people off our trail. When we hear the human by the name ‘Bobo’ (Expert Field Caller) calling us, it is extremely difficult keeping our group from bursting a gut from laughing. His call is in the wrong dialect and is actually saying, “I’m lonely and need a girlfriend!” When the others call we hear it as a yell we have when we are constipated.

No we aren’t attracted to, or curious about, fireworks lit off in the middle of fire season. No we don’t respond to a baby doll crying in the middle of nowhere. Yes we smell but can you imagine the cost to us for razors and deodorant. Yes we leave footprints…what do expect for weighing eight hundred pounds. The antique siren wakes our babies. Yes we sometimes go in and around human homes… How do you think we get free internet?

We really appreciate the female member of the show that plays ‘the sceptic’. We need more… ‘drama’ in our programming. And their ‘Bigfoot Files: True or False’… RRRIIIGGGHHTT!!! Porcupines don’t eat our bones and we use ‘bear spray’ on our vegetables! Daniel Boone did not shoot one of us! Who do you think gave him his raccoon hat for Christmas!?

In closing we wish to thank the producers of the show for making sure no one discovers our existence. My wife though, has been in therapy for years now because of the harassment, so if this doesn’t stop we will be forced to retain a lawyer and take legal action. And can someone please tell ‘BOBO’ we are BIGFOOTS’ and not SQUATCH’S.

Thank you for your attention in this matter.

Mr. B. Foot the 37043 rd.”

Wow! What can I say after that? I thought I was the only one that found the show as a great example of useless Reality TV.


Bryce A Baker

Thursday, 3 October 2013

To Ghost or to Not Ghost


CORRECT ME IF I’M WRONG!                   October 4, 2013

By author Bryce A Baker

To Ghost or to Not Ghost

As a break from the harsh reality of my usual rants, I am going to write on my favorite humor source; Reality TV. This is the first of three. My first target is ‘Ghost Hunters’, on this subject I have some experience. When I built a home in Victoria on an old homestead acreage, we soon discovered it had a spiritual squatter. To shorten a very long story about ‘Herbie’, he was extremely vigilant in causing a disturbance. So being of open mind, I watch ‘Ghost Hunters’ with substantial interest… BUT considering my investigation background, the show presents itself as an endless source of material for stand-up comedy. Even though I believe there is a void in our reality that presents these spirits to irritate the living, the show is convincing me to the contrary.

Show after show we are entertained with buildings of old that the translucent entities captivate our attention. The crew of hunters are well equipped to capture sound and visual but, unconfirmed sounds and touch relinquish any belief the spooks exist. A camera man follows the pairs of spook chasers but as the investigators share a vision of an encounter, the camera is focused on the investigators face, then pans to the area, then back to the face. At that time another vision is announced. KEEP the camera where it is of some purpose. Facial expression of encounter and drama seems to miss the target. Pun intended. A head mounted camera may serve a purpose!!

As the team enters a predisposed area of spirit encounters, they practically yell to the tenant that they want to talk to them and try to build a relationship of trust. Then the team whispers to each other. I guess spooks can’t hear quiet conversation.

Personally if I were a ghost and encountered the team trying to expose me, I would be exploding in laughter. Mind you, without my hearing aids they have me beat when they’d whisper. Now even though I get great entertainment with the show, they are convincing me that ‘Herbie’ is a figment of mine, and many others imagination.

Because of my beliefs these spirits are of Demonic origin, and ‘Herbie’ showed that. But my understanding of this subject matter is up for controversial debate. I have been married three times so after my departure from this world, I threatened to come back and haunt them. Now even though this would be a great idea, the plan now is to request the Ghost Hunter team to come play. Not to worry, I won’t scare them toooo much, and it will probably give them another season of Reality TV. Oh! Just to clarify, I wouldn’t be a Demonic spirit, just a ghost with too much time on my hands and many years of fun to look forward to with ex’s. My real goal would to be the best Ghost writer ever. 

There are some feed off shows like Ghost Hunters International and Ghost Hunters Academy where potential Hunters learn their craft. So maybe I will take courses in Spookology, learn to speak ‘Spook’ and join the team.

In all seriousness, if my day job was plumbing, the thought of chasing ghouls at night would be very tantalizing too.

In closing I have one question for them. “Why do they turn off all the lights and use night vision cameras?” All the reports have been in plain sight by the ‘Spookees’, guess the ‘Spookers’ don’t wear sheets at night. Any way I’m glad there are people seeking answers to questions that over curious people like me don’t need answered, but now I can safely walk at night through a graveyard and know that if I whisper, they won’t know I’m there.


Bryce A Baker

Thursday, 19 September 2013

Heroes for Us All

CORRECT ME IF I’M WRONG!                         September 19, 2013

By author Bryce A Baker

Heroes for Us All

My wife Rena has shared some of the stories of her father Mr. Matt McMath. Unfortunately he died of lung cancer from smoking in 1993. Because of my love for WWll aircraft, I feel he and I would have got along great. Mr. McMath piloted a Lancaster bomber for the RCAF (Royal Canadian Air Force).

Rena told me that he flew bomber missions based out of England. These missions were missions to Hell, and if they were extremely fortunate, they made it back to base alive. He was the WWll version of a ‘Top Gun’ pilot. When he returned home he never flew again and wouldn’t talk about the horror he and others faced every second of their missions. I have faced some nasty nightmares during my career, but I still couldn’t fathom in the least what physical and mental carnage these flying souls faced. One cannot understand unless put in the line of fire.

Another group of flying heroes during WWll were the Tuskegee Airmen, the all African American fighter pilots. They not only had to battle the enemy in the European battles zones, but also had to swallow the prejudices imposed on them by the country they fought for. Their heroism in the air saved many bomber crews and was instrumental in air domination in Europe.

These are only two examples of great people putting their lives on the line keeping us in freedom. 

Every day there are people at home and abroad that maintain peace and our freedom, which brings me to my case and point of their mention.

When I go for my morning coffee I see the hardworking young people busting their butts to survive in today’s economy. People just getting started in the adventures they pursue. These people are our future and our freedom. Then I see, and have seen the dirt of society that steal, cheat and dishonor all that have given them a country to live in. These maggots need to share one second of Hell our heroes have suffered through, and maybe they can follow a brighter light and simply contribute to society instead of leeching from it. Maybe they have too much immoral freedom. The military draft in Canada has never been an issue because our Heroes ‘volunteer’! I’m just saying.

Back in the ‘80s I was working an undercover gig. My partner and I were sitting at a table in a bar; next to us was a group of young men in their early twenties. One of them commented, “Good thing I get my welfare check this week, I’m running out of beer money.” I am not a violent man but I felt like feeding him a five finger sandwich to go with his beer. Welfare was instituted to help the returning soldiers from WWll until they were re-employed, not to supply liars and lazy scum with their ‘habit of choice’. Welfare is undoubtedly needed to assist people with disabilities and temporary crisis, but not capable sots.

There was a young single mom I donated a bursary to that was taking a two year criminology course at the college in Victoria. She had a full time job, the brutal course of studies and two preschool kids! It is a hero like her that makes the slime, like the one in the bar that night, lower than the rock he slithered out from under.

Just today I was having my morning coffee and a young father with three young children sat next to me. The three were extremely well mannered and I commented on that fact. After I gave the father one of my cards, he mentioned that his daughter was interested in writing, her eyes lit up and she was so excited to share her dream with me, she was about seven or eight.

In summary, I wish I could share from my heart the warmth I feel for all those that have made our world a place of greatness. Thank You.


Bryce A Baker



Thursday, 5 September 2013

Chained to Black Crude

CORRECT ME IF I’M WRONG!                           September 6, 2013

Chained to Black Crude

At the age of eighteen I was employed at a gas station pumping gas. The price per gallon was 36 cents. Now at that time my wage was $1.75 an hour. If one compares the ratio of wage to cost of living, we were within reasonable parameters. As the years ticked by the cost of living and the wage ratio spread beyond survivable limits. In one of my businesses back in the ‘70s and early 80s, my staff was paid more than the mainstream working class struggles with today! As we all know the cost of living landed on the moon, so comparatively speaking to back then we are in a quagmire of distress.  

It is understood that economics change but what the government and oil companies fail to understand is the working class is the backbone of their wallets.

First: Our illustrious taxing Government; Cutbacks in essential services, reductions in old age pensions, education, and on and on. Yet for their ‘dedicated’ service to the public, they reward themselves with severance packages and wage increases that dwarf most house hold incomes in the upper middleclass. Understandably, taxes are required to support the infrastructure we depend on, but not to be misdirected and wasted on redundant abuse. I have a list of taxes that is too lengthy to incorporate in this article but it is sickening what we are being forced to choke on. Food for our shelves is taxed in many ways before we set it on our table. Taxes paid by the farmer, the trucking companies and, to make sure no one escapes, we are paying taxes at purchase. There are many thousands of children that aren’t nutritionally healthy because many families can’t balance the cost of living with their crappy incomes.

The barter system to me is great. Our country was established on the barter system of trade by the Hudson Bay Company. If I give you an apple in trade for a potato, I have to pay tax on the apple value you received from me and you pay tax on the potato value.  Again I say taxes are required but we aren’t in medieval times…or are we?

Now; the bane of the business man and everyone else, the price of auto fuel. With the fuel prices supporting the billions in profits by them, we are brutally conned to believe the BS they dribble at us for cost increases. Fuel increases mean that a loaf of bread went from $1.25 to $4.00 plus. Trucking is our lifeline to the conveniences of grocery stores and everything else we purchase. Now consider the billions in oil company profits and we are told that the government taxes are the greatest cost per litre. You do the math.

Then there are the people that say the price of gas should go up to restrict pollution and cars on the road. WAKE UP! Better plan to stop shopping at the stores then.

Because of our current cost of living, most average income people don’t vacation, have a newer car and both parents need to work just to break even. Bankruptcies and business shutdowns are at a point that we are going to face the ‘Dirty 21st’ century. 

In summary, I am not a sheep and can see clearly beyond the smoke screen, but I am only one person in the flock. After ranting on, I was once asked to run in the political arena and attempt to make change. With all true conscience there is no place for me there. My piece is spoken and even though we live in the best country in the world, we need to reinforce the bridge, before it is burnt behind us.


Bryce A Baker

Thursday, 22 August 2013

A Weathered World

CORRECT ME IF I’M WRONG!                                   August 23, 2013

By Author Bryce A Baker                                           16th Edition

 A Weathered World

In all Medias, including the barrage of movies and informative television programing, we are educated in a multitude of ways of worlds end. Then we have the economic, medical viral, terrorist, and social decline to add to the threat against humanity. Wow, good thing for comedy relief.

I understand that these threats are a viable concern but give me a flippin’ break. Let’s get over the Mayan calendar fiasco and sanely evaluate and prepare for crisis within our capacity. No doubt we should reserve food and survival stuffs in case of an event, this should be in EVERYONE’S agenda within reason.

Travelling through our major cities, I see signage on ‘Evacuation Routes’…yeah right! In a crisis people are really going to adhere to the sign direction to a safe location. They can’t read signage in non-crisis travel! Then there’s the reality of over congested roads, panic and above all, self-survival.

Then we have the social levels of society that will demand their 911 call be of first priority. I’m afraid ‘Sunshine’s’ broken fingernail won’t be a priority. In this world, survival in a physical or social collapse will bring out the best and worst in humans. Infrastructure will depend on the seriousness of the event and our ability to organize and cope.

Then there are the Worlds End ‘entrepreneurs’. During one of the many predictions of our end in the last couple of years, there was a man that would take care of a certain group’s pets after they were ‘raptured’’. People actually prepaid him thousands to pet sit… Maybe God is just testing us for the laughs!

I’m not prone to depression, but how can we look toward a brighter day, when the Dooms Day scenario is hammering our physique?

Now, where do I sit with all this? If the event is survivable, and they make it to our well stocked secure sanctuary, then friends and family have a home away until we put the ash back in the volcano, or the ocean back where it belongs, or fill the hole from the asteroid. If it is a financial collapse, family and friends are still welcome but thieves had better be able to run REALLY FAST! The government will have all our money anyway so we get back to the barter system, which happens to presently be under scrutiny by our government. Revenue Canada will have to avoid the sanctuary!

I’m not going to develop paranoia about this subject. If the sun rises and the air is clear, it is a GOOD day. We need to CHILL big time and live the life we have... right after we build bunkers, hoard food and stock up on weapons of mass‘r destruction.

Bryce A Baker

Thursday, 8 August 2013

Alone in the Dark

CORRECT ME IF I’M WRONG!                                   August 9, 2013

 By author Bryce A Baker                                                  15th Edition

Alone in the Dark                                               

One’s ability to be heard is paramount to relinquish self-doubt, anxiety and burden. It is remarkable how much weight off one’s shoulders can be lessened. We have all had times when just talking about an incident or problem releases the muscle tension in the back and has a resulting sigh of relief. The issue may not be resolved but reasonable counsel may open avenues illusive to the subject.

Personally, there have been many issues miss-scrutinized by people we look to for their professional expertise.  It is not only sad for the diagnosis, but the real damage is the related mental and physical, not only to the victim, but to the family. Several years ago I was struggling with some substantial health problems. To maintain my career I was forced to mask symptoms to keep working. When the symptoms over shadowed, it could not be hidden any longer.

Because of the position I was in, a claim was put in to WCB, or Workers Compensation Board. Thus started a ten year battle with this IDIOTIC bureaucracy.

To substantially summarize the battle against a system designed to kill you if your injury didn’t; I fought with the same tenacity I hunted bad guys with. Their overpaid doctors followed WCB guideline’s to the letter. The form letter starts with a 100 percent denial, and then buries you with enough paper work and frustration so you just give up. Trying to find a lawyer was another joke. Policy is with WCB is to extend the BS if a lawyer gets involved.

Even with substantial ‘physical’ medical support and reports from my attending doctors, their ‘doctors’ denied the issue anyway. Toward the end of my ten year battle I contacted a branch of the provincial government in Edmonton and laid out my story. I asked to talk with the governing agency over WCB. There is none. They operate at their own discretion. I was advised that there would be someone contacting me regarding the claim. I GOT A CALL BACK FROM THE AJUDICATER I WAS COMPLAINING ABOUT!

After ten years of extreme frustration, not only to me but my family, I won a settlement. Then two weeks later, they changed their mind. After the forth appeal, I was paid much less than settled.

During this episode of the ‘Twilight Zone’, there was NO ONE to turn to. The media, lawyers, Ombudsman, and government were temporarily insane so they disappeared back into hiding. 

Now the point of this story is a case brought to my attention about a friend’s mom.  First I should say that, the great bunch of apples in the basket, are always seen as the only rotten one amongst them. That said, I have had great doctors save my life MANY times, this is about the ROTTEN one. I’m going to copy and paste this lady’s story. It is a sad state that innocent people suffer because of our disgusting ‘support system’. 

“My daughter is Dawn and she said that I should tell you my story.

Dr. Terry O'Farrell operated on my right hip for the third time in the middle of July 2011.Right after the operation I had no feeling in my right leg and I could not move my foot sideways. I asked every medical person that came into my room why I had no movement in my foot and no one gave my answer, and I never seen the Dr. again. I found out from a Neurologist that the sciatic nerve has been cut or nicked, as a result I have drop foot. I must wear a brace to hold up my toes if not I will trip and fall. Wearing this brace is not a thing that is pretty. I must wear runners at all times so I can never get dressed up, and I must walk with a cane at all times. This does hamper me from doing some of the easiest of tasks as I cannot get down on my knees and I cannot sit in a bath tub. There are a lot of little things that I no longer can do and it has made me change the way that I live. Drs. like this should have to pay for their mistakes some way. I have talked to several people who have had him operate on them only to find that something went wrong. It’s not fair that we should have to suffer and suffer we do because of their blunder. Thank you for taking the time to want to hear my story.  Anne

Bryce: yes you may use my story in your column. I have been to a lawyer and was told that it would probably cost me more than I would ever get. My age for one thing is against me and the fact that I am not employed and dependent on my wages I would not get very much. I would also have to go elsewhere to get a doctor to say that it was his fault. I was told that I would have to pay for this Dr. to come to Kelowna and that I would have to cover all of his expenses. I don't think that it is fair that he gets off scot free and not have to prove anything. Good luck with your column and thank you for your advice.  Anne”

We are not alone. There are thousands that have gone, and are going through battles that are similar with NO one to turn to. It can be extremely hard to tell the story like Anne’s. Reliving the horror takes courage on her part. Thanks Anne. So, in a small way, two people have shared their stories and hopefully even just being heard, this lady can find some particle of peace.


Bryce A Baker

Thursday, 25 July 2013

Sitting in a Broken Chair

CORRECT ME IF I’M WRONG!                           July 26, 2013

By Author Bryce A Baker

Sitting in a Broken Chair

No matter which way I look at it, being a ‘Gangsta’ doesn’t impress me as a great career choice in life. One can choose from thousands of jobs depending on education and personal skills. After interviewing the emotionally and morally delinquent after an arrest, I found no reasonable or qualifying purpose for them to be stealing or taking another human life. When my youngest step son was in his mid-teens I advised him that his actions now will affect the rest of his life. The phrase ‘You can’t do anything to me ‘cause I’m a minor’ became a sick echo in my ear. But sooner or later the minor can’t hide behind age restrictions in the criminal code.

The glorification of being a ‘gansta’ in movies and TV shows preys on the young people with low self-esteem and their sense of belonging. Whether positive or negative, some young people take the route of least resistance like water but unfortunately it is usually too late when they hit the rapids. One of the biggest personality dysfunctions I have recognized with the criminal element is a sociopathic trait. The lack or total lack of conscience. Another commonality with the destructive criminal is that they see themselves as the victims of society to qualify their actions. I don’t blame the car manufacturer for my speeding ticket!

It is great to see someone see the light and change to become an asset to society rather than a detriment. Their success isn’t easy after the scarring, but at least they are trying.

At an art show I was doing some years ago, a number of young members from an Asian gang came in and I was preparing for the worst. They silently walked around my show for a number of minutes and after they finished, the leader and a couple of others approached me. The young leader stood before me and said “You’re pretty good! I always wanted to do some art work.” Aside from the relief that I didn’t have to defend myself with force, I was totally impressed with the result. No matter how many confrontations I had on the street with these people, with little expectations of improvement, this youth did have a dream and instead of hurting, he shared a positive dream with me. What a high!

The Devil has such a grip on these people, but in his keeping, the promises of notoriety, money, babes and power are only a lie and a ticket to Hell.

I could ramble on about this subject, but no matter how youth are warned, their eyes are closed and waddle aimlessly into the fire. Can’t they see there is no Pension Plan for gangstas, and more importantly, I have yet to see a retired ‘GANGSTA’.


Bryce A Baker



Thursday, 11 July 2013

Save Us from Ourselves

 CORRECT ME IF I'M WRONG!                                                                   July 12, 2013
                                                                                                                                     13th Edition
By Author Bryce A Baker

Save Us from Ourselves
By now I would imagine that most readers of my articles understand that since I was born in the fifties when family values were still relatively intact, my opinions are based there. I wasn’t familiar with the phrase ‘dysfunctional’ until I explored the world as an independent eighteen year old. As most families, ours had some dysfunction but still retained the family unit. We actually sat together at the dinner table and had outings together.
Morality seems to be manipulated over the years to conform to the need of the individual. Since the sweep of the hippie generation of free love and lack of responsibility it has impregnated the juvenile mind, or at least a majority thereof.  The youth have mortified into an antisocial mass against the stable responsible part of society. Everyone goes through emotional and social changes throughout their lives and fortunately most grow to understand drugs, booze and revolt against ‘THE MAN’ are not conducive to employment, family and staying out of the slammer. I for one have seen the worst and have the understanding that our governing agencies are not the greatest examples of morality, but we can make change through proper channels. Speaking for myself we don’t have to be sheep and accept the stupidity laid before us, but have the fortitude to see through it and make responsible positive choices.

There is a positive note on the horizon, or at least through my eyes and twisted observation. The youth through the decades went from a majority of good standards down to a majority of bad. The positive point now is the ‘majority’ is swaying back on the up side. There are some great young adults out there looking to change for the better and making it known. Maybe the world stands a chance after all. Anyway the youth are tired of being labeled delinquent, so ‘gangstas’ look out!

I said to my wife a few times that it is unfortunate that the young heroes get a small paragraph on page four, and the psychotic killers get international attention on page one. Where is the support for doing good? I would say it sends a message to those lacking in self-esteem that their moment of recognition is to kill someone. Quite sad. When I see young people flippin’ burgers at a burger joint for minimum wage instead of selling drugs for big bucks, they are HEROES to me.
Bryce A Baker

Friday, 28 June 2013


CORRECT ME IF I’M WRONG!              12th Edition    June 28, 2013

By Author Bryce A Baker


Child support is a sensitive subject. Sometimes a single parent that needs such support gets lost in the bureaucracy and struggles on their own. But I have a story that abuses that right to be financially compensated. Not because of neglect from the separated parent, but because of the need for revenge and disruption.

The divorce was settled well before this incident. The parents were married for seventeen years and had two children together, a girl and a boy. The father was apparently injured in a car accident eighteen or so years ago and hasn’t worked since. He collects twenty eight hundred dollars a month after taxes from pensions and settlement. The mom took more education and started work to assist financially.

During the later years the father was drinking and a chronic user of cannabis. The marriage broke down quickly as the two children were in their teens because of his abuse and threats. Documented are police reports of his threats of suicide in front of the children, threats and physical violence against the mom and also a police documented case where the teen daughter was grabbed by the throat by her father and was threatened with death for taking ‘moms’ side.

After the mom and daughter moved out for safety reasons the teen boy was coerced by his dad to stay. The boy had a get together with the mom and decided to maintain a relationship with her. But when he told the dad this, his ‘stuff’ was tossed into the front yard. The boy was convinced mom was bad and decided to stay at home. The mom has not had contact with her son for over four years. The daughter is in agreement that her brother is under threat by his dad and under constant monitoring by him. The father is a heavy drug user and a threat to the well-being of the boy.
When the children were seventeen, and sixteen for the boy, the parents divorced. The mom’s lawyer advised her that she had the right to half of his pensions and half the value of his two classic cars valued at a conservative number of sixty thousand dollars. She decided that since her son was with him he could keep his pensions and half his cars out of consideration for her son. The mom got sole custody of the seventeen year old daughter and as far as child support, they cancelled each other out.

The daughter moved away from home when she was eighteen and is on great terms with her mom. Not with her dad. When he found out the daughter moved out he sued the mom for child support. He had a lawyer and she was expected to pay in excess of six thousand for legal counsel. She was not in a position to afford that and represented her own case in court. This I witnessed. The judge didn’t take a thread of her testimony or her considerations during divorce. The father was awarded support for the son until he is nineteen and retroactive one year. She was unemployed, and the judge said to get a job.

I tried to get Child Protection to look at the case of the boy’s safety in that environment but because he was eighteen they declined to pursue.
The money is irrelevant in this case as far as the main issue, it is the boy’s safety.

Now considering the abuse of spouses and children I had to deal with as a Detective this case infuriates me. I have witnessed miscarriage of true justice a thousand times and this is one of them. I know for a FACT that it isn’t the money he is after but the opportunity to disrupt the mom’s life. He has nothing better to do than toke up and connive. I should also mention that his twenty six year old son from a previous marriage is living with him too. That son is addicted to morphine. Great setting for an impressionable eighteen year old!

If a parent is duly and morally responsible for child support, so be it, but in this case there is something grotesquely wrong!
I have exchanged emails with this… I can’t find a reference name disgusting enough… and he shared his intent in black and white, so I know where he stands.

Oh!!!! I should also mention the process server that came out to serve the court papers on the mom was the infamous disbarred lawyer from Vernon that is now in jail for organized crime connections.

This will not end here. I believe in true justice and JUSTICE WILL BE SERVED!


Bryce A Baker