Thursday, 22 August 2013

A Weathered World

CORRECT ME IF I’M WRONG!                                   August 23, 2013

By Author Bryce A Baker                                           16th Edition

 A Weathered World

In all Medias, including the barrage of movies and informative television programing, we are educated in a multitude of ways of worlds end. Then we have the economic, medical viral, terrorist, and social decline to add to the threat against humanity. Wow, good thing for comedy relief.

I understand that these threats are a viable concern but give me a flippin’ break. Let’s get over the Mayan calendar fiasco and sanely evaluate and prepare for crisis within our capacity. No doubt we should reserve food and survival stuffs in case of an event, this should be in EVERYONE’S agenda within reason.

Travelling through our major cities, I see signage on ‘Evacuation Routes’…yeah right! In a crisis people are really going to adhere to the sign direction to a safe location. They can’t read signage in non-crisis travel! Then there’s the reality of over congested roads, panic and above all, self-survival.

Then we have the social levels of society that will demand their 911 call be of first priority. I’m afraid ‘Sunshine’s’ broken fingernail won’t be a priority. In this world, survival in a physical or social collapse will bring out the best and worst in humans. Infrastructure will depend on the seriousness of the event and our ability to organize and cope.

Then there are the Worlds End ‘entrepreneurs’. During one of the many predictions of our end in the last couple of years, there was a man that would take care of a certain group’s pets after they were ‘raptured’’. People actually prepaid him thousands to pet sit… Maybe God is just testing us for the laughs!

I’m not prone to depression, but how can we look toward a brighter day, when the Dooms Day scenario is hammering our physique?

Now, where do I sit with all this? If the event is survivable, and they make it to our well stocked secure sanctuary, then friends and family have a home away until we put the ash back in the volcano, or the ocean back where it belongs, or fill the hole from the asteroid. If it is a financial collapse, family and friends are still welcome but thieves had better be able to run REALLY FAST! The government will have all our money anyway so we get back to the barter system, which happens to presently be under scrutiny by our government. Revenue Canada will have to avoid the sanctuary!

I’m not going to develop paranoia about this subject. If the sun rises and the air is clear, it is a GOOD day. We need to CHILL big time and live the life we have... right after we build bunkers, hoard food and stock up on weapons of mass‘r destruction.

Bryce A Baker

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