Monday, 9 May 2016

Raised Up                                                                   October 16, 2015
By author Bryce A Baker

Today a friend shared a video of two very young Asian children singing the Gospel song 'You Raise Me Up'.

As I look at the state of our world, our spiritual being can be raised up, simply by listening to these very talented children. Their inspiration is a seed of hope that through our youth, there is a possibility that one day we will open our eyes to a land free from the strife WE have built for ourselves.

Yesterday, I had an encounter with a twenty five year old native man that had passed out on a public bench. After attempting to get a response he remained still, he was breathing but still. When the paramedics arrived they revived him and wanted to take him to the hospital to be checked out and recover from his consumption of alcohol.

He was resistant to cooperate partially because of his altered capacity, but he repeatedly advised, he didn't do anything wrong and just wanted to be left alone.
He was right about not doing anything derogatory to the law, except public intoxication. We tried to convince him that going to the hospital to recover was for his safety and protection. We wanted him safe from harm.

His refusal required the paramedics to call the police to have him taken into custody, again for his own protection. As the responding officer and I were loading him in the cruiser, he looked at me in tears and said, “I didn't do anything wrong.”

No matter how hard we tried to get him to the hospital, he just couldn't understand the alterative until it was too late.

As I looked into his eyes, I saw a young man lost and out of hope. When the music from the young Asian children soothed my soul, yesterday's soul struck harder. He wasn't a bad person, he is lost in a world ravaged. He needs to be ‘raised up', and WE need to be RAISED UP with him.


Bryce A Baker

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