Friday, 22 May 2015

The World is Missing the Point

CORRECT ME IF I’M WRONG!               May 22, 2015

By author                                                     Bryce A Baker 

The World is Missing the Point 

Each day we experience a multitude of wildlife out back of our place; geese and their goslings, otters, pheasants, eagles, and on... it never gets uninspiring. No matter how bad a day, nature has a way of balancing one's mind back to the way all should be.

Sitting having my morning coffee and being given the privilege of watching these spectacles, brings back a quote from my childhood. A Native Elder told me to “watch the animals and learn.”

Four weeks ago, two Canada geese had five baby chicks emerge to this new world. Each day since, Rena and I have been watching these babies grow. The parents keep their young close for protection, providing a formidable wall for them against any threat that may come close.

Witnessing wildlife so often, has never lost my sense of awe. Each visual experience encapsulates a full understanding of what the Elder was trying to make me understand.

When I look at nature I see a weather channel, for they know what is coming. I see if there is threat, for they are wary. I know where there is water, for they lead me to it. They give me peace, for they are my prescription.   


Bryce A Baker                                          

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