CORRECT ME IF I’M WRONG! April 24, 2015
Politically Incorrect
author Bryce A Baker
This last
week I happened across an article on the web about a grade eight girl that
raised a controversy with her class group photo. On her black T-shirt boldly
expressed 'Feminist' in bright paint.
In law enforcement there is a classification called 'Appropriate
Use'. Self explanatory; One does not carry a hunting knife into a Walmart, or
wear a bikini to the mall… okay, maybe I could cut slack on the bikini....
In our democratic society, citizens have the right to express
themselves in whatever way appropriate to the situation or locale. They have
the right to verbally speak or write their views on their beliefs. Or so I'm
told. BUT in comes a rule that I personally feel is APPROPRIATE.
Understandably, some misguided souls feel their expression of
opinion is their God given right, no matter when or where or how.
For me to run naked through downtown scaring the locals, just
because 'I' have the right, just
isn't appropriate. It would give me my fifteen minutes of fame and a room for
the night, but common sense says no, and so does my wife.
Personally, woman's rights have a definite place, as long as
it follows the guidelines of our 'Man's' domain… just kidding. That isn't
Setting aside what personal message this young girl felt
necessary to have posted into posterity with the class photo, she was stepping
out of consideration for others. Her expression was inappropriate at that time.
Where is the line drawn? Shall class photos be a medium for
political or moral rights? Shall students have profanity, or political
statement shadowing what is simply a photo for students to reflect back on in
the future?
Off subject slightly, but pertinent: There is an 18 year old
of middle eastern decent in Washington state that strapped a fake suicide bomber
belt of explosives around his waist to ask a girl to the prom. He thought it
would be funny. Considering the thousands that have died from real suicide
bombers and school shootings, this idiot should be given a tour of a war zone
to see how funny it is.
Reading the feedback to these stories, mostly showed a common
sense understanding of these actions, but then there are the people that feel
these individuals had the RIGHT to
say whatever at any cost. Let someone do something inappropriate to them, and
see how loud they scream "INAPPROPRIATE!"
There is a garment out for men called a 'Mankini'. The
pictures of said garment show that it is not appropriate for any sane man to wear
in private let alone on a beach. Pert near upchucked my cookies.
Now, I am aware that what I have said is politically
incorrect, but it IS appropriate.
Please... CORRECT
Bryce A
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