Friday, 27 March 2015

Callow Pride

CORRECT ME IF I’M WRONG!                                 March 27, 2015
                                                           Callow Pride

By author Bryce A Baker

Over the years, chasing bad guys as well as post retirement security work, the main element involved in confrontation is the overabundance of misdirected pride.

Pride in one’s work, hobby, or family in reasonable terms is healthy, but in a state of anger or envy, is a mental nuclear explosive that levels a wide circumference of collateral carnage. ‘Try saying that in one breath!’ 

Several years ago, while working security in the emergency department at the hospital, I got a dispatch about a belligerent man creating havoc in the waiting room. He was loud and swearing when I got there. He made several comments that he was an iron worker and I was just an ‘old guy’ and could take me. It came time to provide him an escort outside to leave, at which time his pride overrode common sense and raised a fist to me to strike. Now, as he was apologizing profusely from his face down, locked position on the ground… this old man let him sit quietly on the curb to await the summoned police. His subdued pride and tone reflected his awareness that pride does not beat experience and patience. It was agreed that he would go cool down and come back later in a proper mindset. Later that morning he did return to apologize for his behavior.

As an instructor, I emphasized the only way to defuse is to keep pride vacant and use common sense as a weapon. Mind you, dealing with some required much, much more common sense.

If you look at anything in the human disorder, misdirected pride is the culprit for the decline of intelligent resolution. For example; gangs, 1 percenters (outlaw bikers), relationships, work, sports… everything!

Don’t get me wrong… I have personally breached stupidity on many thousands of occasions, but do recognize we are all guilty at some point or another.

One thing I did learn as a detective and body guard; one’s mouth needs to work in close proximity with the brain to refrain from pouring more fuel on the fire.

Just this week I have personally bit my tongue and swallowed my pride and as a result, my wife saved the energy of bailing me out of jail. Now, I may be looked at in this situation as weak and at a loss, but I was not the one that stood as an idiot aggressor. If the eyes could see and the mouth would speak in silence there would be no loser in the battle of pride. 

Bryce A Baker

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