Friday, 31 May 2013

Does Anyone Know Where I Put My Sanity? CORRECT ME IF I’M WRONG! 10th edition May 31, 2013

CORRECT ME IF I’M WRONG!              10th edition       May 31, 2013

By author Bryce A Baker

Does Anyone Know Where I Put My Sanity?

Aging is a biological progression of a body deteriorating to a rickety fragile state of grumpiness. Well okay, that only pertains to me. We all have made the comment. “If I would have known then what I know now!” It’s sad that we spend decades gathering experience and knowledge and when we finally get smart to living we bite the bullet.

I watch the ads on television on age defying creams and lotions to look years younger. After years of research into this I can without doubt confirm this is bodlewoggle. I still look old! I am very disappointed with myself having my chest move south like the birds and forcibly steaming the bathroom mirror to avoid the shock in the morning. Unfortunately the mind sails into stormy waters as well.  I post sticky notes all over the house reminding me of the chores and responsibilities forced on me. My wife does have a problem with the sticky note I placed on her though. She feels my duties of marriage should not have a sticky note to remind me.

One knows they are getting old because your grown children have teenage children of their own. Your grandkids buy you Geritol in bulk for you for Christmas. You don’t understand the new form of language spoken by the young people. Then there is technology! What the heck do we need cars that park themselves? No wonder no one knows how to park. Back in the day we used to pick up a corded phone and say something to the person on the other end, seemed to work pretty well. Now cellphones are almost surgically attached to their hands, and people don’t talk anymore, they Flitter or Oogle or Twicker. I think it’s an alien conspiracy.

Computers… took me two years to learn how to turn the stupid thing on. Then it says “you’ve got mail.” How do you get the letter out of the machine? I had to write my password on the computer because it wouldn’t talk to me otherwise, and I was short on sticky notes. Life was simpler back in my younger days. When you bought something you paid with money, now they invented electronic money. As long as I can remember what my pin number is I have money. THAT works for me.

Anyway, amidst all my confusion of aging there are some benefits. I get seniors price on my coffee. I can con my kids to do chores because my Arthritis is acting up.  I can blame my poor hearing for not understanding my wife’s nagging. So I know now that when I pass on, I will be the smartest, dumb dead person.

By the way… does anyone know how to turn a computer off!


Bryce A Baker


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