CORRECT ME IF I’M WRONG! April 19, 2013
By author Bryce A Baker
Through the years my eyes have witnessed much.
There have been the incredible acts of kindness and sacrifice by people of
humanity. We are all influenced by another, good or bad. My uncle Matt was
nineteen years old in 1960. When he visited us he impressed me as a great
person. He liked his cigarettes and partying but wasn’t the type to
intentionally hurt anyone. When he spoke to me he shared his good heart. I was
five years old and he started me on a good path. He and a friend were on the side
of the road talking when a drunk driver struck my uncle’s car and pushed it to
where they were standing behind the friend’s. In a split second my uncle pushed
his friend out of the way and my uncle was caught between the two cars. My
uncle died saving another. There wasn’t more than a half second for him to make
that decision. He paid the ultimate sacrifice. He is my Hero.
Now it
may seem off subject but read on. Like many other subjects, people asked my
opinion about the legalization of marijuana. First understand that it is not
anyone’s business what an individual does in their own space, unless it
endangers another or a child. Some people feel, that said legalization is
harmless, and should be legal.
opinion is based on the carnage I have witnessed. Let’s explore the past and
draw from history itself. Personally I never have had the urge to partake in
drugs. Battling the bottle was damage enough. During prohibition alcohol was
bootlegged for enormous profit and helped organized crime put a foot hold in
the States. When it was again legalized the bootlegging still continued because
bootleg alcohol was still in demand, due to taxes and underage drinkers. There
are still Moonshiners and is advertised on Reality TV.
Cigarettes are legal but bootleg ‘Canadian’
smokes are smuggled in from the States because export Canadian smokes are tax
exempt. Again one smuggler was clearing fifteen thousand a week on this
practice. Prescription drugs are legal, but it is a billion dollar business for
organized crime. If there is a blood dollar to be made it is part of the
sociopathic maggots that bleed us of our money and lives.
So legal or not, there will be the demand by
underage and others. Organized crime will figure a way to mortify to maintain
their grip on the demanding public. If one feels the government will properly
regulate it… dream on.
Now people say that Marijuana is a harmless drug
and won’t hurt anyone. Eighty percent of the users want to move to a stronger
effect when the impact lessens. WE lose thousands every year to drunk drivers
and people on meds. Do we need to add another threat on the road? I haven’t
even touched on the carnage to family or the public because of the side crimes
or distribution deaths, and Medicare costs. There are so many fun things to do
instead and they are legal, and have no side effects. Would you as a parent
leave your child in the care and custody of someone that tokes up a joint while
you are gone?
When I finish doing the things I like, I wake
the next day and no one was hurt or killed and my conscience is clear. Mind you
my wallet can take a beating. So in
closing, my uncle died because someone was under the influence and MURDERED a
hero. If one must alter reality and pretend that they ‘aren’t hurting anyone’,
try thinking of the people around you and your lack of future. Marijuana is far
from an innocent drug. Unfortunately a majority of the public is suffering from
the Ostrich Syndrome.
Footnote: I was under the influence of a coffee
while I wrote this!
Bryce A Baker
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