Thursday, 26 February 2015

A Walk

 CORRECT ME IF I'M WRONG!                   Friday February 27, 2015
By author Bryce A Baker
                                                                A Walk

We live in an age of virtual reality since our world has overwhelmingly integrated computers into our lives and daily routine.

It is my belief that there is another virtual world few can understand. It isn't a screen interfaced with a program or programmer's imagination. It isn't a game or intellectual pass time.

There is a hidden virtual battle that seeks its prey when we are at our weakest.

No matter what spiritual understanding we have, there are forces ablaze tearing us apart from inside.

I was once asked if I believe in a higher entity. My response was that because of the horrors witnessed in my work, there must be a light that shines. A positive outpost from where we can find shelter from the darkness of evil. I have sought out this place of light but have still struggled to keep my faith.

Some expect that if they believe in their God that all will be given. To those that understand; the path is riddled with virtual diversion. One needs to dress themselves every day, but aren't free from the responsibility to put a belt on to keep their pants up or be wary of a splash from a mud puddle.

Even though one of my routines is to avoid watching the news, its word still reaches home. Buried deep amongst all the information thrust into our faces by the media is a little known bright side of information that says there are people on this earth that do care and extend a hand to those that are hurt. Unfortunately, it is more newsworthy to report a shooting or violent event.

So what is my point of these words put forth in frustration? It is simple in terms, but radical in a spiritual war against the forces destroying us. We need to learn how to live.

In the Christian Bible, a Man stepped this earth with a 'soul' purpose, and was put to death to give the people forgiveness. Nothing changed. Nothing learned. We still feel it necessary to kill each other out of greed, hate, jealousy and power.

The other morning I sat having coffee with a man that witnessed the bombing of London during the Second World War. As he spoke of the waste of humanity because of an evil creature seeking power, he said there was peace in the countryside where children were taken for safe haven. He and I share a commonality. He found great understanding by sitting and experiencing the quiet in nature far from the ravages of war.

There is a gift in our world that is far from taking another's land or for that matter life.

We need to believe in a miracle; a gift of peace and a force against evil.

A virtual world.


Bryce A Baker

Thursday, 12 February 2015

Mental Health Warning

CORRECT ME IF I'M WRONG!                   Friday February 13, 2015
By author Bryce A Baker

Mental Health Warning

This coming Saturday is a day of romance. Heart told, it is a day that should engulf us with emotions of love to our special person. Valentine's day has naked, winged... whatever they are, buzzing around shooting people with arrows! Or so I am told. Is this a weapon of mass destruction, or a ploy to have us succumb to our weaknesses?

In a late breaking news advisement between my memory and conscience mind, I just found out the Easter Rabbit is a fraud; because rabbits can't lay eggs. Devastation is an understatement. All the holidays I patiently waited for are now under suspicion of deception. Do we classify these horrid acts as a mental homicide, or is the government going to cover up this social scam as usual? Are we being coerced into false holidays so our leaders can take extra days off with pay? Of course they will pretend all is okay, but this sheep is not going to aimlessly follow the herd any longer. I shall set forth to find the truth. My mission will take me to the far reaches of this earth, and what is left of my sanity, but I shall find the truth.

It is difficult for me to have to write about this atrocity to humanity, but feel it is my duty. The pain seems to sear through every nerve trying to understand that even my mentor, Santa, is only a figment of some plot.

Fortunately, I have a gift card for Psychiatric visits, so my stability will be sustained. It may not be so for the poor that can't afford such help.

What in this world shall come to light next... Shall we be told that milk and cookies are not to be mixed, or gingerbread is not a house construction material? When will this nightmare end... When will it end?

All the years of life on this earth we have been led through the valley of fibs.
So in light of all this; how do we know these naked, arrow slinging thingy's, are not just another way to crowd our minds with 'stuff'. I know that is a technical word, but bear with me until there is resolution.

On Saturday, be careful not to get hit by a stray arrow or get one of those propaganda Valentine's Day cards, for you could be the next victim to fall into this illicit con.

Now, off I go to have cookies and milk before that is found to be only a hoax.

