Thursday, 4 December 2014

Pride and the Prejudice

CORRECT ME IF I'M WRONG!                                                      December 5, 2014
By author Bryce A Baker

 Pride and the Prejudice

There is no shortage of subject matter to go on about. Not so long ago someone said they wanted to read my… (For column sake I will use another word) ‘compliant’ articles… It was a backhanded compliment in a way. Yes, I voice my opinion, but it is not that way… OKAY maybe it is. We all accept daily things with a grain of salt; which allows ‘things’ to only worsen. If we don’t stand up for what we feel is just or fair, then we are but sheep.

Again I speak about prejudice, but this is what we all face without giving our true opinion. We are afraid of reprisal without merit, being labelled a bigot. Well, I am going to voice my experience without prejudice. It’s obvious there are people out there that are just ignorant with roots of hate. This is not me. Prejudice is set in stone as the building block of war and destruction. Isn’t there enough BS to live with?

As a kid, I played and buddied at school with Native children from our area. We played without thought of difference of race or religion. As an adult I was partnered with Native, East Indian, Caucasian, as well as many others and it made no difference in our work relationship.

That said, the verbal and unethical abuse I received from ethnic critics was, and still remains disgusting. We are Canadians, not separate entities to vent stupidity. For example;

- I had a house I was renovating in Surrey a number of years ago. I couldn’t get a construction permit unless I used East Indian trades people.

- There is a sign in West Kelowna at a fenced park. ‘For use by First Nations Only’.

- A lady that broke off a relationship with me married a really nice Jamaican man but his family wouldn’t accept her into the family because she is white.

- There have been endless news video and quotes by many races stating their hatred for the white man, but if we say anything similar we make front page news as a bigot.

Being called a ‘white man’ insults every human being on this earth. Being told the only reason I am arresting them is because of their race is a quote of a sick individual. Hearing African Americans call each other ‘Nigger’ and yet if we make the life altering mistake of uttering that word a riot ensues.
Speaking of riots!!!!!

Considering the mega thousands of cops in Canada and the States, it is obvious there are going to be bad ones. These are the rotten apples in the basket that make it harder for the good ones to do their job. Mistakes and wrong decisions are made, but a destructive racial riot doesn’t solve the problem! Cops are killed every day by many races, but I don’t see public outcry for their injustice! An officer was shot in Kamloops just yesterday after stopping a car late at night and was critically injured. He is a father of two children and a husband. He was just doing his job. Without law enforcement officers, we cannot walk the streets.

I can personally give you thousands of personal incidents of reverse prejudice but I am sure you’ve got the picture. Now some will misconstrue my opinion as being a bigot but that is my point; the worst critics can’t face where they are seated.

Prejudice branches of a tree definitely need to be pruned to where we see each other as people.

Many times I have considered stopping writing ‘Correct Me If I’m Wrong’ because deep down I know nothing will change, but it is my written voice in a hearing impaired world.

My next CMIIW will be after Christmas so all have a safe holiday, and contrary to non-Christian critics… MERRY CHRISTMAS and may God bless.


Bryce A Baker