Friday, 29 November 2013


CORRECT ME IF I’M WRONG!                                 November 29, 2013

Writing fictional books is like sailing through different worlds that may not be afforded us in real life. Authors command the adventure and realize the result without giving way to status quo. Putting the words to paper is scaling the impossible and immersing oneself in a dimension of imagination. It is a mind drug with incredible side effects.
When I write a sentence, there is always a paragraph behind it.
I originally wrote this for Facebook, but because it is a time for thanksgiving I felt it was appropriate in this ‘CORRECT ME IF I’M WRONG!’
Canadian and American thanksgiving days are a month apart, but it should be noted that we should give our thanks every day. As a Christian, I personally have taken criticism for being of my faith, but as I learned many years ago, I am not here to accept that criticism as a base for why I am. No matter which God or belief one follows, is not of my judgement. If our faith is a positive message and a benefit to our neighbors then so be it.
Many times Christians have been labeled as hypocrites. Well they are right; everyone is a hypocrite, but if one seeks positive answers and a way to help others then they are in the right place. In my previous career I have seen the bowels of evil and if a person wishes to live and believe in that then they are already paying the price of loss for there is no brother standing next to them.
Whether one is a Christian or Muslim or a Buddhist or whatever, it is the positive example that is the biggest teacher to others. If you reach out, they will reach back.
In my work I have had Guardian Angels with me, and I thank the Lord for providing them. I also thank Him for the spiritual gifts bestowed, for his message shall be given.
The following is an excerpt from my second book ’Shield and Sword: Into the Light’
‘As one stands at the bottom of a canyon looking up the steep rock walls it is time to understand why you are where you are. To reach the top of the cliff walls takes dedication, reflection, and positive spirit.
Many times I have been on top looking down and found myself plummeting back to where I began in the canyon base. These rises and falls are part of life and the important thing is how we react, learn and mature. It isn’t because of anyone else's error but our own. We have all been given the spiritual and physical strength to overcome calamities. The answer doesn’t get resolved consuming alcohol or drugs. On the contrary, the problems remain and are amplified by a hangover.’ 
I have learned that a positive spirit makes the journey less corrugated and more of an adventure. Appreciate the gifts that are given to us in bounty and not the bounty in the gifts.
Even though my climbs up the cliff walls have scarred my physical being and my soul, these battle scars only remind me of, and amplify the good given.
We may not live in a mansion or drive a fancy car but if we are happy on a bicycle and dwelling in a tent, take no criticism for you are you. Give the person beside you on the cliff wall a hand. The climb for them may be more difficult.
Bryce A Baker

Thursday, 14 November 2013

Burden of Knowledge

CORRECT ME IF I’M WRONG!                                                                November 15, 2013

by author Bryce A Baker

Burden of Knowledge

As a former undercover detective I, like most bad guy hunters, have seen the vile part of society. Most people are unaware, or selectively blind to the world around them.

In the 1980s there was a criminal investigation and recovery that a detective and his partner were assigned. An eighteen year old woman was kidnapped and as the investigation proceeded, a general case went viral. The main suspect was a landed immigrant and was a key figure in a Canada wide criminal organization. The suspect falsely coerced young ladies toward glitter but became prisoners of the street. This organization forced young ladies into heavily monitored prostitution and leased out to ‘pimps’ by the week in different cities across Canada. Yes Canadian slavery!

Two weeks into the investigation, the ‘brass’ told the detectives to stand down on the investigation, or ‘stop’. The lead detective had a chronic case of persistence, and a week later ‘recovered’ the young lady from a ‘lease pimp’ in Alberta.

The detective and partner interviewed the young lady shortly after recovery and confirmed the organizations arrangements and drug induced compliance. She also witnessed a murder of a forced prostitute in Winnipeg who was caught holding back money from the pimp for escape. He put her against a wall and drove his car into her. The detectives later confirmed the murder. No charges were pursued because all the witnesses were blind at the time. The recovered lady also said that a number of clients across Canada were municipal, provincial, and federal politicians and named many names.
The young lady was sent to drug rehab in a secured location and later put into a safe house.
The interview was not submitted with the main report and has been secured in a safe place.

Considering the age of the case, it is assumed the lot of politicians are now history. Charges were never brought against the landed immigrant ‘boss’. At the time, there was a hit contract put out by the suspect against the detective. This contract was never fulfilled and involves another long story.
As a retired detective, this story is only one of thousands that can prey on one’s emotions and confidence in the politicians who we depend on to make our laws and govern a safe, productive country. Now if this interview was released at the time, the retribution from the guilty would have been severe, as well as the criminal organization that is so conscience void.
Telling this story does not give reprieve from the burden of knowledge, and many will say “That doesn’t happen in Canada.” So as we enjoy the freedoms our soldiers have given us; the hidden war at home steals the lives of those TAKEN by Organized Crime.

There is the old saying:”What you don`t know won`t hurt you.” Well, I hate to burst your bubble but, IT IS!

Many ‘Law abiding citizens’ add to the carnage every time they buy an ‘Innocent’ amount of dope, pick up a prostitute or any other so called ‘harmless’ ride away from honor. Each grain of sand can become a beach. But it’s okay; there are people to protect you.


Bryce A Baker

Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Lost In Space

CORRECT ME IF I’M WRONG!                                               November 1, 2013

By author Bryce A Baker

Lost In Space

Last and certainly least in my three pokes at reality TV, is the barrage of UFO hunting shows. Personally I strongly believe there is life on other planets or other dimensions. It would seem rather silly to believe that amongst the many universes that inhabit our reality, that we are the only creatures with the ability to create such havoc.

There are so many re-enactments of past sightings and events of visitors from the far beyond. But telling the same experience a billion times is only boring me to no end. The shows provide apparent evidence of celestial spies but add different versions of their analysis, which re-questions the investigative confusion. 

Hyper curious hunters spend most of their lives sitting on a mountain side with camera in hand waiting for the million dollar picture that will escalate them to riches and fame. I can imagine that our alien intruders are well aware of what these people are up to and taunt them with a light show or opportunity to be criticized by the endless number of skeptics.

Then there are the shows about abductions and being probed. All I have to say to this is “What have they got that I don’t?” I would love to have Sparky beam me up. Listening to their stories of being scooped up by a beam, probed and being programmed, is just like one of my marriages. No one believed it happened that way.

I am a fan of one show though called ‘Ancient Aliens.’ This show investigates the ancient structures from our hidden past. These structures that are sometimes thousands of years old, and even with today’s technology would be near impossible to construct. Their theory is that ancient aliens assisted or built these monuments of present day mystery hunters. My theory is that the aliens built them to occupy a select group, with an old version of Rubik’s Cube. What’s the saying??? Busy hands keep the TV ratings up!? OHHH… as I commented before, the fellow with the ‘wind tunnel’ hair would be a lot more productive if he fixed his hair.

Yes I do believe in aliens… how else could our governments be programmed to run so inefficiently and confused?!

In closing, I wish to thank all those hunters of Aliens for providing me with entertainment on those long cold nights that there are only reruns of Star Trek. Go forth and seek what others may think is crazy in the hopes that Sparky will be there for you.

P.S. Government cover up? I wouldn’t know… they told me to shut up!


Bryce A Baker